Example sentences of "an [noun] held [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 An entry can be made by any part of the accused 's body or by an instrument held by the accused to intimidate someone in the building or to remove goods from the building .
2 It was reported on April 11 , 1990 , that tapes of an interview held following the 1975 trial , between Gerard Conlon , one of the Four , and Peter ( now Sir Peter ) Imbert , now Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police , who was at the time of the trial a bomb squad superintendent , were becoming a source of conflict between the police and the defence lawyers at the judicial inquiry .
3 In a survey of school-children , we might expect that the answers they give in an interview held in the headmaster 's study will be different from those they give at home , or out of doors .
4 Royal licences to quarry stones , or to cut down and sell timber in the woods of subjects , or to bring such woods into cultivation , or to pasture cattle therein , were frequently preceded by such an inquiry held by the Justice of the Forest or his deputy .
5 Peter Jones , 32 , of North Road , Darlington , qualified for the certificate when he gained his Third Dan in Shoto Kan karate at an event held at the Primrose Holly Holiday Centre on the outskirts of Scarborough .
6 er it 's an event held in The Gallery and er we have got er ski experts coming er , equipment people ; we have got the latest ski simulator coming down from Dorset , which enables people to actually get inside and it takes you down the Val de Zere er no , yes , takes you down the Val de Zere downhill and it really is quite impressive .
7 ( 2 ) A licensing board may grant an occasional licence to a registered club authorising the club to sell alcoholic liquor , during such hours and on such day as the board may determine , at an event held outwith the premises of the club if the event arises from or relates to the functions of the club .
8 An object held at the top of a tower and sharing with the tower a circular motion around the earth 's centre will continue in that motion , along with the tower , after it is dropped and will consequently strike the ground at the foot of the tower , consistent with experience .
9 First , the operation of the two systems gave rise both to the duplication of effort and data and more importantly to considerable discrepancies between the details of an individual held on the two systems .
10 This limitation in time is most clearly seen in the case of a life estate , whether it be an estate held for the life of the tenant , or what is called an estate pur autre vie , one held for the life or lives of some other person or persons .
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