Example sentences of "we believe [pers pn] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Whichever way we look at these figures , whether we believe they represent a real increase in the rate of sexual violence or not , the decreasing conviction rate indicates that the state has not effectively responded to demands that sex crimes be treated more seriously .
2 Please note that , whilst the above are not actual statements made by a serious accident victim , they have been selected because we believe they give a fair representation of the kind of problems which may occur after an accident .
3 Mr Stansfield said : ‘ We are preparing a serious defence and we believe we have a very strong case . ’
4 ‘ But we have been responsible and admitted the difficulties we will face in introducing our programme because we believe we have a real chance . ’
5 He said : ‘ We believe we have a great case .
6 We believe we have a very soundbase on which to build , with the partnerships and service agreements providing a platform to continue cost reduction , raise our operational efficiency and reinforce the continuing drive for customer satisfaction .
7 We believe we have the policies and the will to achieve it .
8 We sold ourselves short then but we believe we have the ability and the temperament to cope on Sunday . ’
9 We believe we have the policies in place to ensure we maintain that progress in the future .
10 We believe we have the policies in place to ensure we maintain that progress in the future .
11 It 's a big step up for him , but we believe he has the talent , courage and temperament to develop into a top-class player . ’
12 ‘ He is ideal because he is both a statesman and an artist [ he used to write rather stodgy plays ] , and we believe he shares the values we stand for , ’ says an ICA spokesman .
13 On the contrary , we believe it offers the prospect of evolving a new and useful relationship ’ .
14 If such a change occurs at your hotel , you will only be notified if we believe it involves a significant change in facilities or standards .
15 We really believe in what we 're doing , we believe it has a meaning other than making money or that it 's a cool showbiz job .
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