Example sentences of "we have [adv] far [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As you can see we 've so far spent just under 500 dollars ! ’
2 and I 'm the mail-out coordinator we 've we 've so far mailed out all but one of the of the new magazines and er we did n't do the last one but we 're we 're scheduling up for doing this one .
3 ‘ Everything we 've so far found out about Titron is weird . ’
4 ‘ For the ladies ’ benefit , Peter , perhaps you 'd like to run over what we 've so far established . ’
5 Next day we went ashore near Kapp Lee on Edgeøya , and had a long walk up through Rosenbergdalen , a fine valley which was much more vegetated than any we had so far seen .
6 All the freestanding statues we have so far seen have been quiet .
7 We have so far said little about the way the Stress Syndrome spills over into teachers ' personal relationships out of school .
8 To some extent , all that we have so far said about multimedia development is really a description of multimedia databases .
9 We have so far assumed that the micro-instructions are held in a read-only control store , although we have considered the possibility of interchangeable plug-in control stores .
10 We have so far assumed that it is a word form associated with a single sense , and that a difference of word form entails a difference of lexical unit .
11 In particular , following monopolisation costs are unlikely to remain unchanged , as we have so far assumed .
12 But the relationship of librarians to the developments we have so far examined , including the knowledge and publications explosions , the development of new teaching methods , and the rapid expansion of audio-visual communication media , is something we must now examine in closer detail , so that the later arguments and conclusions of this book can be made clear .
13 We have so far limited our interpretation of " style " and " stylistics " to match the kind of activity in which we wish to engage : the study of language as used in literary texts , with the aim of relating it to its artistic functions .
14 We have so far met several examples of what the reader would probably regard as a " function " , but we have as yet given no definition , formal or otherwise , of the concept .
15 For simplicity we have so far ignored the expenses of running a unit trust .
16 As you know , any electromagnetic disturbance ( any change in anything ) propagates with the velocity of light , something we have so far neglected to take into account .
17 A dominant tradition of thought within the Labour Party " sees " the British constitution in terms rather different from those which we have so far set down .
18 Although one would dearly like more supportive evidence , what we have so far indicates that isolated experiences rarely if ever leave permanent traces — however traumatic and however early they may be .
19 THE INHABITANTS of the planet Myrin have much to endure from Earthmen , inevitably , perhaps , since they represent the only intelligent life we have so far found in the galaxy .
20 We have so far had infinite metal plates and infinite dielectrics .
21 We have so far talked about positive and negative charges , about point charges , and distributed charge .
22 If there is , it has to be at a deeper level of thought and interaction than we have so far identified .
23 All the markets we have so far discussed are markets within the UK which offer opportunities for borrowing and lending sterling , the domestic currency .
24 It draws together all the elements we have so far discussed — multimedia databases , online and videoconferencing — combining them into the most complete form of online communication ever devised .
25 We have so far discussed these themes as though we were constructing a wholly new kind of urban sociology .
26 We have so far discussed a number of themes in conventional political theory .
27 It is time to take account of that difference between perceiving from ‘ Now ’ and ‘ I ’ and imagining from other viewpoints which we have so far put aside as irrelevant.4 Although one can respond with some awareness to remote or hypothetical situations , and evaluate them sub specie aeternitatis , everyone 's actual choices of ends are of course confined to his own present and future and to his effective scope of action .
28 The reader can no doubt think of other properties usually ascribed to Z which we have so far failed to mention .
29 We have so far stressed the similarity of strike waves .
30 As our inner-city work was mainly focused on very fine-grained differentiation , we have so far paid less attention to these more generalized markers in Belfast English , and in some cases we have not published the quantitative findings that arose from studying these .
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