Example sentences of "we [adv] look [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now if we just look at the er test statistics for this particular model , right , if we chose say the five percent significance level right , then we can see serial correlation , we 've got a test statistic of two point zero eight , right , we would n't reject the null hypothesis there , the null is that we have no serial correlation , we have uncorrelated errors right , clearly we want uncorrelated errors , right , so we 'd be quite happy with that particular test statistic , it does n't exceed the er five percent critical value .
2 We always look for a local engineering partner , with whom we can build up a strong working relationship , to provide knowledge of local practices and statutory requirements .
3 Unfortunately this is a problem which faces both kites er and ospreys and , and some other birds of prey , so er we always look for a few losses , but we hope that nevertheless , in a good season like this , the birds will breed well enough to produce good numbers of young .
4 At Fiat , we always look to the future .
5 We also look at the lessons that France can teach us — the French implemented a vigorous nuclear programme in the wake of the oil crisis of the l970s .
6 In Section 7.3 , we point out that an earlier finding of this text means that a very widespread traditional way of thinking about restriction is incorrect ; we also look at the interaction between the notion of restriction and associatives , sense- qualifiers and separatives .
7 We now look for the left vector unc corresponding to x as the right vector ; in §2.10.1 this was
8 We now look at the gothic exaggeration and moody drama of Victorian landscapes and we learn of their romantic yearnings .
9 If we now look at the curve which shows the freon ratios in surface water and look for a ratio of two , and lining this up with the nought degree curve because we 're working with Antarctic water which of course is very cold , we can see that a ratio of two corresponds to the year nineteen fifty nine .
10 We now look at the changing relationships between monetary sector institutions and their clients .
11 If we now look at the different animals and crops that have been available over several thousand years , we will begin to see how basic systems of land exploitation worked in the landscape .
12 We now look at the relational algebra and the relational calculus in more detail .
13 In this chapter we now look at the behaviour and properties of the three states of matter .
14 If we now look at the ego , as opposed to the id , then immediately we see that it is , it is emphatically not true to claim that Freud was a Hobbesian social thinker .
15 We now look at the er price unity as a T ratio minus ten , right , so it 's highly significant , right and the er figure in square brackets , the probability value next to the T ratio tells you that we get least ninety nine point nine percent confidence coefficiency price elasticity demand significantly different from zero right , now is everybody happy interpreting the coefficient right and the T ratio ?
16 With the background of general ideas about turbulence in Chapter 19 , we now look at the structure of fully turbulent shear flows .
17 We now look after the needs — financial , certainly , but much more besides — of private and business customers throughout the UK and abroad .
18 If we then look at the quality manual , which is the , the white document , contained within here .
19 We then look at the structure of management in the organisation in Section 2.4 .
20 Er once we decide whether that is the right situation for you or this is the right situation for you erm we then look at the options we have in which company that Patrick might feel most comfortable with .
21 I think what we actually want is more people who are more in tune with working people and their hopes , and their dreams and their aspirations , and tha in , in parliament , in the House of Commons than we 've got at the moment and so the motion I 'm putting forward which is to propose that we actually look at the Parliamentary Panel and make sure we get a few decent shop stewards in the House of Commons , a few people who got experience of actually being on the shop floor , a few people who got experience in the last fourteen years , that the last four Conservative governments have actually tried and defend and fight for the interests of working people right down the grass root , those are the people that we actually need in the House of Commons and we shall be looking at our Parliamentary Panel and we shall be looking at it very seriously to ensure that we get those sort of people onto that Parliamentary Panel and those sort of people into the House of Commons , that 's the best way to represent working people in Britain today and that 's the sort of contribution the G M B should be making .
22 It makes it very difficult for women to take that first step on the ladder of actually becoming economically active , because they 're caught in an impossible position between the needs of their children and their own personal needs , and until we actually look at the important and validate and give financial support to the caring role that women play , both in terms of looking after the children and looking after elderly relatives , this community care that is being talked about — community care is car on the backs of women , and it 's unpaid and undervalued .
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