Example sentences of "she stare [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 Her eyes are hot , she stares out at the water , at the summerhouse .
2 She stared dully at the logs crackling in the hearth .
3 She stared uneasily at the envelope , at the black , firm hand , at the French stamp , and then she put out the light and went to bed .
4 Tonight she was smiling as she stared up at the screen , and Buddie had given her money .
5 She stared up at the rigging that fretted against a sky of pearl .
6 Her legs splayed inelegantly and with her mouth wide and dry with fear , she stared up at the stranger .
7 She stared up at the granite-harsh features , trembling as much from the insidious effect of his hands on her back , pressing her against the male strength of his body , as from her growing anger at his arrogant , hurtful lack of confidence in her …
8 It was dark when they got outside , and , walking silently beside him , she stared up at the stars , and gave an unconscious little sigh .
9 As she stared up at the height a voice spoke from behind her , and she turned to discover that Silas Wilder had followed her down the track .
10 Eyes rounded in appalled realisation , she stared up at the man who stood stooped in the confined space up ahead .
11 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ she began to apologise as she turned the lock and pulled back the door , ‘ I should have — ’ Then she stopped , speechless , as she stared up at the tall figure of Robert Sheldrake .
12 She stared stoically at the tapestry wall-hanging in front of her .
13 As she said it , she stared fixedly at the shredded corner of her notepad and wished vainly , but with all her heart , that it were true .
14 She felt no surprise at hearing Luke 's voice — indeed , she felt nothing but a cold numbness as she stared round at the ruins of her home .
15 With difficulty , she rolled her body into a more comfortable position , pulled up the collar of her cherry wool coat , twisted her scarf around her head , and heaped bracken to form a pillow ; with her head upon it , she stared crossly at the now leaden sky overhead .
16 As she stared unseeingly at the advertisements in yet another newsagent 's window Folly felt the old anger come surging back .
17 She stared meaningfully at the place where his fingers were circling her upper arm , and he made a wry face and released her .
18 Crossing to the window , she stared out at the murky night .
19 Opening the lid , she stared down at the emeralds glinting up at her like cat 's eyes , her mother 's emeralds and her grandmother 's and many generations of Grenfell women before her .
20 For a moment she stared down at the stains and the roses , and then she walked away .
21 Carrie leaned back in her chair and rubbed the tips of her fingers across her forehead as she stared down at the mass of papers on the kitchen table .
22 She stared down at the frothing white surf that slid past the ship 's side and fell into a reverie in which imaginings of her future life became mixed with memories of past days at Ballingolin .
23 She stared down at the crucifix , wondering desperately how much they knew , whether they had any knowledge of her liaison with Tristram or whether these questions were merely based upon suspicion .
24 She stared down at the living dead face .
25 Averting her eyes , she stared down at the ironing-board , then , for the lack of any other brilliant alternatives , began to slowly move the iron back and forth across her blouse , her face shuttered .
26 Still , she reflected soberly as she stared down at the water , being on the boat had at least served to clarify her thoughts in one direction .
27 Opening her briefcase , she stared down at the contents .
28 She stared down at the papers in her hand , not wanting to look at him .
29 She stared down at the scattered glass shimmering in the blackened water , remembered stories of people drowning in only inches of water and acknowledged her condition with a sinking heart .
30 She stared down at the disgusting mass as it came away in her hand for a moment and then she marched after him with pursed lips and a determined gleam in her eyes .
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