Example sentences of "she reach the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By the time she reached the front door the house , she knew , had to be hers for the summer .
2 When she reached the front door she was unable to resist turning to survey the parking area .
3 Out through the service door again , she skipped her way along till she reached the narrow vestibule at the foot of the double stairway and from there proceeded through the entrance hall , where her skipping lapsed .
4 It was only as she reached the small turning leading to the patio that she stopped , a momentary apprehension bringing goose-pimples to her skin .
5 She swept past his outstretched hand and began to hurry through the arrivals hall , only stopping to look back at him over her shoulder to see if he was following her when she reached the automatic doors .
6 Her frock was already soaked , but she paid no heed to that , because she could see she would certainly get wet from feet to head before she reached the farther bank .
7 At the age of 29 , Durie must be wondering how much longer she has left to get hooked on that habit which she toyed with briefly six years ago when she reached the lofty heights of the world 's top five .
8 The two-hour battle did not exactly revive memories of Croft 's professional heyday when she reached the lofty heights of world No 22 as she struggled with her serve , and produced too many errors to get into any sort of groove .
9 When she reached the wide passage that led to his apartment she hesitated .
10 She found quite a rare one just as she reached the other edge of the wood .
11 Quick of eye and sure of foot , she reached the other side safely .
12 She kept right on swimming , until she reached the other side .
13 She reached the other side unscathed just as the man gave a grunt of triumph and twisted his victim 's hand behind her back , wrenching what looked like a purse out of her hand .
14 She intended to go straight to the second floor and find a policeman she could tell about the keys , but when she reached the first floor landing she veered into the newsroom instead .
15 When she reached the first hill , she looked back at Marlott and her father 's house with sadness in her heart .
16 She was still puzzling over this problem when she reached the General Post Office .
17 He heard the bolt slide from the attic door , then her tread on the stairs and the muffle of voices as she reached the upper room .
18 Twice before she reached the opposite bank Jenny missed her footing and plunged -chest-deep into the river , but each time she was able , to grasp the slippery stepping-stone and slowly haul herself up on to it .
19 But , as she reached the open door of the drawing-room and caught sight of Janice in the middle of the room , some instinct told her not to enter immediately .
20 As soon as she reached the open deer-park she ran , and she hardly paused until she came to the broad track that sloped down to the marsh , smiling and vivid green in the late afternoon sunshine .
21 As she reached the French windows into the drawing room she heard Allegra 's voice , ugly and distorted by an immense sob :
22 Horrified … and yet strangely relieved and satisfied , and tingling with primitive energy and release , she turned on her heel and threaded so nimbly through the crowded guests that she reached the French doors that opened on to the side veranda before Greg had recovered enough to take a single step .
23 She reached the busy Jamaica Road and suddenly felt depressed as she hurried across and turned into a quiet backstreet which led to her home .
24 Using a heavy Tesco bag to help batter her way through the TV crews and a gaggle of amused onlookers , she reached the National Westminster Bank just after water privatisation 's witching hour of 10am .
25 Men seemed to float up to her , encircling her before she reached the bottom step , and she felt Lucenzo 's fingers leave hers as he was crowded out .
26 By the time she reached the shorter flight of stairs on the half-landing , Frankie had retreated all the way to his room and closed the door behind him , leaving only the smallest gap through which he peered with one eye .
27 She managed to walk with a reasonable degree of grace and dignity till she reached the back door , then scuttled inside as though her very life depended on it , taking the back stairs two at a time as she rushed to the bedroom to find a robe .
28 But as she reached the back door , the sound of a loud , angry voice stopped her in her tracks .
29 Even as she turned towards the staircase she was still trying to come up with a good reason for not sleeping in his bed , but when she reached the top step she turned with a resigned sigh towards his room , too bone weary to argue any more .
30 She had leapt joyfully at the chance of going shopping , when she reached the magic age of usefulness .
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