Example sentences of "she [adv] [verb] herself [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Fleeting images of Ace masterfully entering her room , of him delightfully forcing his attentions on her slowly died as she finally made herself ready for bed .
2 Had n't she already given herself that very same advice ?
3 She got out of the bath and gave herself a mental shake as she quickly towelled herself dry .
4 She always kept herself busy .
5 Yet she still finds herself full of frustration and anger towards him .
6 Clara dreaded the vacations , and tried to whittle them down as much as she could , by semi-obligatory study courses , and quasi-essential trips to the continent to learn the languages she was studying , but despite these nibblings and thefts , she still found herself obliged to spend a great deal of time each year in Hartley Road .
7 Laura — Laura Stratton as she now was — was reasonably content with the new arrangements : she was less anxious about burglars , she was chauffeured to her twice-weekly consultations with the latest chiropodist , she forgot most of her worries about the upkeep of the household , and she still found herself able to indulge the twin passions of her life , smoking cigarettes and playing contract bridge — simultaneously , wherever possible .
8 And so Clara told Clelia , in return , some of her own history , and in telling it , she seemed to find , strangely and more securely than ever a tone that absolved her , a tone that redeemed her past from meanness and humiliations , so that she even found herself able to speak of her own mother without evasion .
9 And , as the long minutes ticked by while he was still busy on the phone , she defiantly poured herself another glass of wine .
10 She hurriedly rubbed herself dry , and then put on the dress Bryce had taken from the wardrobe .
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