Example sentences of "which appeared [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Alan Rawley , prosecuting , told the judge , Mr Justice Waterhouse , there would now be no trial on four other counts which appeared on the original indictment , involving other alleged land deals .
2 He tried fitfully to proceed with a short prose book on the nature of culture which he had been contemplating for some time , but by the end of 1942 had produced only a first draft of two chapters : this must be the source of the four essays which appeared in the New English Weekly during January and February 1943 under the title , " Notes toward a Definition of Culture " .
3 The first was a confidential report on the progress of TOPP ( see p 14 ) , which appeared in the following week 's Accountancy Age .
4 It was even illegal to baptize children with names other than those which appeared in the Castilian version of the Catholic calendar of saints .
5 That Beveridge viewed the elderly with a notable lack of sympathy is evident in the few telling phrases which appeared in the final draft of August 1942 but were left out of the published Report : to give full subsistence pensions ‘ as a birthday present ’ to an individual attaining the age of 60 or 65 would be ‘ reprehensible extravagance ’ which was ‘ wholly unjustifiable ’ .
6 If disputes within the party over policy and doctrine were one symptom of Conservative confusion , another was the ‘ legion of leagues ’ which appeared in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , when it seemed that hardly a year went by without the founding of some new right-wing association .
7 Although not as low as the extreme values observed in some Antarctic ozone holes , it is typical of the minimum which appeared in the middle 1980s .
8 The crossbowman , or arbalastier , shown here wears helmet and sword of the Moorish influence which appeared in the early 1200S .
9 Ruskin may have been stung into action by an article which appeared in The Daily Telegraph on 31st August .
10 Simultaneously MacArthur expressed his views publicly in an interview with the British correspondent , G. Ward Price , which appeared in the Daily Mail on 2 March .
11 It seems unlikely that Minkowski would have come across Smith 's earlier work directly , but he may have seen the reference to them in a paper of Ferdinand Frobenius , which appeared in the main German mathematical journal shortly before the competition was announced .
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