Example sentences of "which began [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Greer wrote ‘ In bed with the English ’ which began to hint at Oz 's future development in its uncomplimentary analysis of the experience .
2 The institutes which began to open in London in the late 1850s appear to have recruited from among the lower-middle class , though Waldo McGillicuddy Eagar , a young Edwardian club worker ( later to be a leading figure in the National Association of Boys ' Clubs ) claimed that ‘ as anxiety about the working classes was intensified , some Youths ’ Institutes reached down from the middle classes to the poor , and increasingly diluted their formal educational programmes with recreational activities .
3 These and other questions emerged from a classical ethology primarily concerned with the evolution , motivation , and function of social signals but which began to focus on ecology as the adaptiveness of social structure to habitat gradually became apparent ( see Crook 1970b ; Crook and Goss-Custard 1972 ) .
4 As can be seen in Table 1 , throughout this century there has been a large decline in private renting , and a corresponding increase in owner-occupation and council housing , which began to get under way after the First World War .
5 The rapidity with which the CNAA sought to respond to the demand for business studies courses can be judged by the fact that the Business Studies Board , which began to meet in March 1965 , had held five meetings by July .
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