Example sentences of "which stand [adv] from the " in BNC.

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1 Thus there is a tendency , if we once accept a sharp distinction between good as means and good as end , to see the point of life in those leisure activities , or at least in activities which stand apart from the main work of the world , such as high culture and very private personal relations .
2 Around the margins of the hill , the termites construct tall , thin-walled chimneys which stand out from the sides like ribs .
3 Corinth on the other hand had kept its vase-painting on a small scale ; and the tradition of an early Corinthian school of painters is borne out by certain vase-paintings which stand aside from the rest : not in scale ( indeed they are often miniature work ) but in composition and colour .
4 The urge to succeed and be competitive was stronger in some of us than in others , and although the section was theoretically united there was a faction which stood apart from the rest .
5 In some cases even those more conservative chapels which stood aside from the changing fashions made notable contributions to their own town 's architecture .
6 It was the worn-down plug of an old volcano which stood out from the lowland plain .
7 The village school , now quiet behind its white palings in the morning sunshine , was next in the row , and beside it was a well-built house of Cotswold stone which stood back from the green .
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