Example sentences of "which have [verb] the previous " in BNC.

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1 It is this ‘ spatial ’ potential of colour — what Riley refers to as plastic — which has superseded the previous emphasis on the chromatic ; colour serves to counteract the potentially conflicting space of the oblique construction .
2 The French , probably over-confident of victory , allowed themselves to be drawn into a cavalry advance , carried out under a hail of arrows , across recently ploughed ground made softer yet by the rain which had fallen the previous night .
3 But this layout seemingly only lasted a comparatively short time , before it too was swept away , together with the buildings which had survived the previous changes and the fort defences .
4 Rajiv Gandhi , the 46-year-old Congress ( I ) party president and former Prime Minister , was assassinated in southern India on May 21 , while campaigning in the general election which had started the previous day .
5 A general election held in Bangladesh on Feb. 27 was dominated by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party ( BNP ) and the Awami League , both of which had boycotted the previous elections held in March 1988 [ see pp. 35835-36 ] .
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