Example sentences of "which [prep] [art] [num ord] century " in BNC.

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1 Most of the nobility were dreaming of classical temples in their parks , or other architectural fantasies from foreign climes , which through the eighteenth century grew ever more complicated .
2 However , it was precisely the lack of consensus about Thebes ' — or anybody else 's — leadership which in the fifth century led to federalism of so unusual and developed a kind , and which gave Boiotia the cohesion , and the manpower , to defeat Sparta at Leuktra in 371 .
3 These meetings were often passionate affairs : the deadening decorum which in the twentieth century has come to be identified with religious gatherings did not prevail in the nineteenth century .
4 In the case of childbirth , which in the nineteenth century so often proved fatal , there was a certain disposition — at least among males — to believe that to relieve the pains of labour would be to interfere with what had been divinely preordained ; indeed the Bible could be quoted to this effect .
5 There were also , throughout the century , various international bodies ( which in the nineteenth century , as now , frequently meant bodies dominated by or confined to Britain and America ) concerned with promoting various radical reforms or building up new ventures like Sunday Schools .
6 It was Samuel Heinicke who pioneered the pure oral system of teaching the deaf in Germany with the foundation of his school in 1760 , a method of teaching which has persisted in that country ever since and which in the nineteenth century came to be known as the ‘ German System ’ .
7 Extracting this sort of consolation prize from the Bourbon candidate was the first stage of Britain 's advance into the Mediterranean , which in the nineteenth century was followed by a series of acquisitions which led to control of the route to the east .
8 They offered some credence to the contemporaneous growth in anti-semitism : limited and localized though this was , Jewish migrants were criticized and condemned in very similar terms to those later invoked against post-Second World War black immigrants , and which in the nineteenth century had been raised against the Irish .
9 The technique by which in the fourth century B.C. the Chronicler rewrote and modernized the Books of Kings reminds us of the technique by which in the late fourth century Ephorus and Theopompus rewrote and modernized Herodotus and Thucydides .
10 The principal excursion is to the churches and ruins of Old Goa , which in the sixteenth century had a population more than twice the size of London .
11 Money which in the sixteenth century had played merely a marginal , though a necessary part , now became the one thing necessary for the maintenance of life …
12 There was a most serious consequence : Spanish trade , throughout the nineteenth century , was unable to conquer the import surplus , which in the eighteenth century had been concealed by the export of American silver .
13 This was an adaptation , evolved by the courts , of the writ of account which from the thirteenth century had been available against bailiffs , factors and receivers .
14 Female friendship is expressed in fiction and especially in letters through language which by the mid-eighteenth century used terms of ecstasy almost by convention :
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