Example sentences of "or [prep] least the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Demands were now being made that the people , or at least the educated and property-owning classes , be given more effective means of making their wishes felt .
2 Sometimes he thought that he needed to feel like a woman , a younger woman or at least The Other Woman ; certainly he needed to feel like The Young Man .
3 I 'll reiterate here that the complexity — or at least the perceived complexity — of the Alpha 's operation could limit its market as far as first time buyers go .
4 A well-established approach denies that the public interest is the relevant standard , or at least the primary standard , by which company law should be assessed .
5 These had to be answered , and answered well — or at least the first ten or so did — because the original questioner and other MPs were allowed to ask supplementary questions .
6 It 's his first er match or at least the first he 's started since the opening weeks of the season .
7 If I could just get a role doing some of the falls in the action replays , say , I could save him from horrible injury , or at least the odd booking .
8 They are then used to support recommendations concerning the organization of society and personal conduct resting on straight matters of fact , or at least the best available opinion on matters of fact , of the one kind around which clear minded people can expect to rally as a basis for human cooperation .
9 He found it in Protestantism , or at least the Calvinist version of it .
10 This suggests that the Moon , or at least the outer 200 km or so , has never been flexible enough to reach hydrostatic equilibrium and therefore that these outer regions have always been cold .
11 Such works are not computer-generated , the skill and expertise ( or at least the greatest part of these ) derives from the user of the system .
12 Because of the threat which " Communism " , or at least the Soviet Union , is believed to pose to " the free world " , we still need to defend democracy ( it is argued ) , but in real , military and ideological terms , not in theory .
13 One way to avoid such discrimination — or at least the legal grounds for it — is to supply a lawyer 's opinion to the effect each edition is libel-free .
14 Such banquets are portrayed for us on the Bayeux Tapestry , or at least the early stages of them .
15 Denis Healey soon saw himself in the role of bridge-builder between the West German government ( which particularly feared any decline in the credibility of nuclear deterrence ) and McNamara who hoped to avoid the first — or at least the early — use of nuclear weapons .
16 But for visitors and residents at Weston-super-Mare , and its neighbours , Burnham-on-Sea and Clevedon , the flags are an assurance that all is well with the world , or at least the sandy bit between the town and the sea , for they show that the beaches meet European standards of cleanliness that seem to elude their bigger rivals .
17 Two or three times a week after that Bridhe , now alert for her , would notice Luch , or at least the slight bulge in the tapestry where she hid .
18 Henceforth the whole cosmos or at least the whole solar system must be conceived as a process of constant historical change .
19 I set her the first day to clean the floors starting at the top and expecting her to reach the bottom at the end of the day or at least the last floor , but Ellen she had not managed more than two rooms in eight hours and those not well done .
20 By the end , or at least the last week , of the tour England ‘ B ’ were looking a much better all-round side than when they started .
21 In 1867 Newman Hall visited America , or at least the northern states , where he was assured a warm welcome because of his support of the North during the recent war .
22 Since I was living with the most out gay man I know , I was n't short of an opinion on anything to do with anything in faggotdom , or at least the social side of it .
23 If the war brought them more into line with popular feeling , then it was not because they had changed , but because popular opinion ( or at least the Liberal-Labour part of it ) had at last seen the light .
24 This unique combination led to the rediscovery of the VistaVision process , or at least the old cameras used to achieve it , in the 1970s and '80s as a valuable tool for the SFX cameraman .
25 It was a Michaelmas Day or at least the old erm Quarter Day for paying rents and erm it was generally known in those days as muck spreading because erm it was usual time for erm , the farm workers to get ready for the winter ploughing .
26 A chapter on homebuilt organisations around the world is instructive , not least to learn that whilst amateur-built aircraft have had official blessing ( or at least the blind eye treatment ) in many Eastern Bloc countries for a decade or more , getting approval to fly a homebuilt in Italy and Germany has been a hard-won struggle against obstinate bureaucracy .
27 With influences dating all the way back to Rodgers and Hammerstein I certainly had the most complete musical education , or at least the broadest .
28 We purchased our combined Crich/Midland Railway Centre ticket and began our trip into nostalgia , or at least the older members did !
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