Example sentences of "as [modal v] [verb] been expected " in BNC.

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1 Thus , the gravitational field in this case is identical to that of the Bell-Szekeres solution , as may have been expected .
2 At which the manifestations of blacks and Asians from the floor were as downright as might have been expected .
3 The seeming gains made by the Liberals in the negotiations before the Cabinet agreed to an election — that there should be no joint manifesto , and no pledge to introduce tariffs , merely an impartial inquiry — turned out ( as might have been expected ) to be worthless .
4 When he returned to the UK he was eventually appointed to the board , but not , as might have been expected , in charge of the refinery side of the business .
5 The effects on public expenditure have not been as drastic as might have been expected .
6 When John Wesley visited the county in 1773 he found support at Rye , as might have been expected , but little elsewhere : the locals were too fond of the smuggling and intemperance he preached so strongly against .
7 These figures , as might have been expected , show a dramatic increase in the use of mail order .
8 Harriet , as might have been expected , behaved admirably .
9 Hence , ‘ the relationship between the size of the employing unit and the number of young people recruited each year was not as close as might have been expected ’ ( ibid. , p. 47 ) .
10 The property of the executed and imprisoned rebels was distributed amongst the victors : the Despensers , as might have been expected , were the chief beneficiaries .
11 He said little , as might have been expected , although one of his obiter dicta is remarkable both for its potential value , had it been publicly known , to the Soviet apologists of 1939–40 , and for the slovenliness , almost the vulgarity , of language for the occasion .
12 One of the reasons why there has been nothing outstanding about the rate of growth of trade within the EEC and between the EEC and third countries may have been because its members have not been as assiduous as might have been expected ( by the British at least ) in removing barriers to trade between themselves and with the rest of the world .
13 There was some land reform , redistributing large white estates among these black smallholders — though not by any means as much as might have been expected .
14 Late in 1941 a memorandum to the National Executive indicated , as might have been expected , that the main area of loss of membership was London and the home and eastern counties , where it had been most necessary to evacuate the population .
15 A possible explanation for this apparently delayed effect of the Black Death is that the first onset , despite its virulence , did not harm the economy as a whole as much as might have been expected , and that it was the continuing effect of later outbreaks which did the greater damage .
16 As might have been expected from his career , he outstayed his welcome and had to be forced to retire from the post — a position previously rewarded with a peerage , but which for him only merited a knighthood .
17 As might have been expected , the larger exhibitions attracted considerably more visitors than the smallest exhibition , but all three received a generally favourable response from the public , with both the Carlyle and MacLean exhibitions being rated as Very Good or Good by at least 90% of those who saw them , and with 78% of those who saw the Skinner exhibition giving it similar ratings .
18 I do n't think my performances during the winter were as good as could have been expected .
19 It had not been easy without existing contacts in the region , and their reports would have to be treated with caution for a while , but on the whole he felt he had achieved as much as could have been expected .
20 They had been as contented together as could have been expected , he supposed , from a union which had been largely one of convenience and accommodation ; and he would always remember , with a sort of perverse affection , her rather loud voice , her over-daubed war-paint — and , of course , the painful state of those poor feet of hers …
21 US scientists who have analysed the data claim that there is no evidence that temperatures in the lower atmosphere have increased significantly , as could have been expected if global warming were underway .
22 It would not have mattered so much if the experiments described all held water , but when ( as we were encouraged to do ) I put up my hand and ventured that one experiment was not consistent , the lecturer acknowledged that this was so in the particular I questioned , but said that the results were usually found to be as would have been expected .
23 This did not show men to be more lateralised visuo-spatially than women as would have been expected .
24 As would have been expected , the construction with the bare infinitive expresses direct perception of an event — to be more precise , the possibility of direct perception ( because of could and might have ) .
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