Example sentences of "had come [prep] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had come on an errand and was greeted by a mad woman , an amazon .
2 We had come to an arbour of bougainvillaea and morning glory at the end of the kitchen-garden terrace , set back and obliquely .
3 He listened — at first with a curious air of detachment , as if he was an observer from another civilisation , or someone whose own experience had come to an end , someone who was waiting to embark on a journey and looked at the world with vacant eyes , his mind already in transit .
4 It appeared that the rapid growth associated with the British industrial revolution had come to an end and that the theory of demographic transition , which predicted a phase when death rates and birth rates fell to low levels , was correct .
5 Edward VII thought it possible that his son might be the last British king , and during the reign of George V , Harold Nicolson reckoned that five emperors , eight kings and eighteen minor dynasties had come to an end .
6 The association of skins and blacks in a common form of music had come to an end .
7 Before Coleridge 's lengthening visit had come to an end , the two dissatisfied young men had pursued the logic of their arguments to a startling conclusion .
8 The Palace had been unable to fill the outside-left berth adequately after George Clarke 's long reign had come to an end , but there was no doubt in any supporter 's minds that a worthy successor had at last been found when Bob Bigg made his Palace debut .
9 Susan had nursed him tirelessly , and no one had ever heard her complain ; but she would have been more than human if she had not been thankful that her long and exhausting task had come to an end .
10 Camilla 's days of acting as an unofficial hostess at Highgrove parties , while Diana was in Kensington , had come to an end , she was told .
11 As these teachers realized they were not to get the major posts of responsibility , that their objective career progression had come to an end , that their own subject expertise was being compared unfavourably with that of their colleagues from former grammar schools , and that they were to be allocated the ‘ dirty work ’ of teaching the lower-ability groups in the lower streams — they formed a staff counterculture which set about resisting the initiatives of the head , and they withdrew that commitment and enthusiasm in the classroom that had previously been a major part of their secondary modern identity :
12 Nine months of intense building activity had come to an end and the boat was now ready for trials .
13 The war had come to an end , so an election would now be very soon indeed , and Asquith had turned down Lloyd George 's suggestion that he rejoin the government .
14 The silence that enclosed me made me feel the world had come to an end , that the trees had not yet been informed but soon would be , and would fall on to the stone and thorn , the heather and the fern , skeletons to be picked over , not by vultures but by time .
15 The road , such as it was , had come to an end and the last twelve miles to our destination were strictly four-wheel drive through yard-deep mud , and over streams alarmingly bridged with thick bamboo trunks simply laid next to each other , so that they separated between our wheels if we took them at anything less than a rush .
16 Moreover , people entering unemployment because a temporary job had come to an end were more likely to leave unemployment via another temporary job .
17 According to the first , only a very small proportion ( 6 per cent ) of those entering unemployment from employment did so because a temporary job had come to an end ; according to the second rather more ( 16 per cent ) did .
18 An even clearer result was that , of those who had entered into unemployment because a temporary job had come to an end and who found a new job within 10 months , nearly twice as many ( 44 per cent ) took temporary jobs as did the generality of those finding work ( 25 per cent ) [ see Table 4.6 ] .
19 When I reached home , my wife made me promise never to go to sea again , and I thought my adventures had come to an end .
20 The visitors turned and filed out of the room , realising that the conversation had come to an end .
21 Some days Ariel carried the hooped Sycorax on her back ( she would not ride on anyone else ) down to the shore and into the water , and held her up under the arms so that she could let her contorted frame float free ; small currents spun in the water as if to ease her , and the sky 's blue height seemed to catch them up into its soft vastness and give them fins and wings to fly and swoop , so that they both felt airier and brighter than they had since their freedom had come to an end , and the memory of their former peace returned for a space .
22 By the late 1930s any money he may have received from his father had come to an end .
23 The famous Durance coterie had come to an end and all that was left was Sabine painting in the hills and another old woman living in a neglected villa in Antibes . ’
24 After ten years of duty in Abyssinia my father 's spell there had come to an end .
25 At Sussex Stationers , where Christmas trading represents over 30% of turnover , there was relief that ‘ this most difficult year ’ had come to an end .
26 In fact the amount of oceanic crust involved in the rocks Of the Caledonides suggests that a short-lived proto-Atlantic had come to an end and the two continental shelves had met .
27 Particularly now that Ned O'Mara had turned against her , watching her like a hawk so that her source of pies and tarts and bones for her dog had come to an end .
28 Their contract had come to an end ( see Chapter 14 , Frustration , below ) and they were in the same position as any other free seamen in Port Philip : ‘ they might stipulate for any amount of remuneration ; and , considering the circumstances , £40 might not have been an exorbitant sum ’ — per Erle J.
29 Dolly put the practical question to Nahum when the back-slapping and handshaking had come to an end .
30 James Price 's words eased the immediate worries of the villagers but for many of the older ones the world they had always known had come to an end .
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