Example sentences of "had set [pron] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In this area a number of small clothing-manufacturers had set themselves up since the war , migrating out from the East End of London .
2 Courtney had set himself up as a pioneer working with women victims of sex abuse , drug addiction and Aids problems .
3 The dapper , 52-year-old economist with his trademark owlish glasses had set himself up as a beacon of the reform movement as long ago as April 1991 when he led his party out of government .
4 One thing , thought Sally-Anne , looking around her , after Ma Bailey had set her down in one of the few chairs the room possessed , was that no one here had ever done any summer cleaning , nor spring , autumn nor winter cleaning either .
5 The old fear lurked at the back of his mind : suppose Lorton had set him up for Newley 's murder ?
6 When Margie had mentioned his association with Greg Martin , the financier who had made him the loan which had set him up in a small showroom and enabled him to move the sewing machines out of the living room and into a work room , Hugo became not so much evasive as totally silent .
7 Lately he had been troubled by rheumatism brought on by the damp in the house , and his doctor had set him up in sleeping quarters on the ground floor with independent heating arrangements .
8 They had previously won compensation of 1 million yen each for eight former employees dismissed in the ‘ red purge ’ and had set them up in business near the company 's housing project .
9 Zeinab had set it up for Owen to meet her theatrical friends at their usual cafe and as she and Owen turned into the square , there they were , occupying their usual tables on the edge of the pavement .
10 Selene never again made a long speech , but she was happy ; and after Mrs Gracie died Dinah took shares in the business , which by then had set itself up in the old Asshe house while Dinah moved out to Hampstead .
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