Example sentences of "had long been a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It had long been a nonsense .
2 I had long been a believer in voluntary euthanasia , and my mother 's experience strengthened it ; for to me what matters most is not the length of a person 's life but its quality , and that death , when it comes , should have dignity .
3 Having decided that the rude manners and customs of an outback community ‘ are rather produced by their situation than derived from their ancestors ’ , he examines first how they regulated themselves traditionally ; then , the introduction and enforcement of the country 's general body of legislation — for instance , theft of cattle from drovers had long been a problem in the Highlands ; now their passage was growing safer .
4 He himself had long been a specialist in such relief when he would instantly brighten faces during his favourite tours of prisons , orphanages and nursing homes .
5 Opportunism had long been a characteristic of princes and alliances and changes of allegiance were connected with the patronage to be gained from the emperor .
6 It had long been a tradition for Roman emperors to claim descent from the gods , and on that basis to claim godhood for themselves as well .
7 Unlike much of Europe , England had long been a territory ruled by one dynasty , and was protected by the Channel from invasion by the great land powers of the Continent .
8 Thus , for example , Edessa , now Urfa in Turkey , had long been a centre of the twin cult , worshipping the pair under the names of Momim and Aziz .
9 He decided to return to England and try his hand at photography , which had long been a hobby of his .
10 His mother the Lady Morathi had long been a devotee of the cult .
11 He had long been a widower .
12 Road traffic had long been a matter for the police because of the very great concern over road accidents .
13 Prostitution , drunkenness , vagrancy and other ‘ unrespectable ’ manifestations of urban popular culture had long been a headache for local borough councils .
14 But there had long been a feeling that Hawaii , birthplace of surfing and home of the biggest waves , should have that honour by right .
15 Resignation threats had long been a weapon in de Gaulle 's armoury , but in the past he had used them from a position of strength .
16 Banbury had long been a market town of importance , and acquired a modest industrial capacity in the nineteenth century .
17 The Holy Land had long been a source of exasperation for Rome , and after the revolt of A.D. 66 Roman hostility towards Judaism intensified .
18 Getting readers to renew the subscription can-celled on holiday in August had long been a challenge to circulation managers .
19 The west-coast defences given a structure and a system of manning , they moved inland to the key sites at crossroads or ford or defile where , usually , there had long been a hill-fort or an earthwork of some kind .
20 Elaborate pricing mechanisms — the K-factors and all the rest — were set up by the government before the sell-off ; they were aimed at helping the industry , which had long been a victim of under-investment , to pay for a capital-spending programme of at least £18 billion over the next decade .
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