Example sentences of "had called for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The chair of the Campaign for Democracy , Beko Ransome-Kuti , who had called for a campaign of civil disobedience in the New Year if Babangida did not leave office , was arrested on Dec. 31 and detained for a number of days .
2 In July the authorities arrested two leading opponents of the government , Charles Rubia and Kenneth Matiba , who had called for a referendum on the future of one-party rule ; in subsequent protest riots 20 people died [ see p. 37603 ] .
3 The Kazakh-brokered agreement had called for a ceasefire along the border between the two former Soviet republics .
4 When the man had had his face washed ( by stella ) and been given a drink , and one of the barmen had called for a taxi , Mother got right up and got on the stage and told Gary she was ready for her song now .
5 The British actors ' union Equity had called for a halt to Australian TV actors appearing in British pantomimes .
6 When the CMSN decided on June 10 , 1991 , to put a new draft constitution to a referendum , the FLAM had called for a boycott of the referendum ; other opposition groups , including the National Democratic Movement , had expressed reservations .
7 It was reported on Sept. 3 that the Albanian Popular League party had held its first assembly and that its secretary-general , Xhemal Borova , had called for a reorganization .
8 Deputies to the session elected a 14-person presidium , including Col. Viktor Alksnis , Gen. Albert Makashov and historian Roy Medvedev , and led by Sazhi Umalatova , who at the December 1990 Congress had called for a vote of no confidence in Gorbachev [ see p. 37903 ] .
9 In February , a group of deputies , led by Marko Voljc , who was said to be a candidate for a post in the new government , had called for a no confidence vote against the government .
10 The intensified fighting at the end of April was apparently due to a report disseminated by Tanjug news agency on April 29 that the Bosnian leadership had called for a blockade of JNA forces in Bosnia-Hercegovina , and that Moslem forces had virtually declared war on the JNA .
11 In the late 1960s , Ceauşescu himself had called for a strengthening of the traditional family , but when that failed to have the desired effect of boosting the birth-rate , the regime reversed its direction from promoting old-fashioned morality as a stimulus to conception .
12 On Oct. 2 the Hamas representative in Jordan , Ibrahim Ghawsheh , had called for an escalation of the intifada in protest against the forthcoming conference .
13 A national newspaper had called for an army of Mansell fans to turn out , but fewer than two hundred actually did .
14 The URNG on Nov. 8 had called for an election boycott , stating that none of the candidates represented the interests of the majority of the population .
15 The UN protection force , Unprofor , and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees had called for an air corridor after reports that refugees in Srebrenica were dying at a rate of 20 a day from exposure and starvation .
16 In September , after the central trade union federation had called for an acceleration of the process of democratization , the PCT decided to abolish the one-party system [ see p. 37701 ] .
17 On May 10 CD , an umbrella organization of 25 opposition groups , had called for the resignation of the government .
18 In August 1989 William J. Bennett , the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy , had called for the government " aggressively [ to ] implement " random testing of federal workers , but by January 1990 there had been little increase in the numbers tested due to litigation .
19 The ANC had called for the day to be one of national mourning and services and vigils were held throughout the country .
20 According to a report on July 11 the French President François Mitterrand had called for the abolition of the consensus rule , saying that " this conference must adapt " .
21 On June 30 the USA had called for the installation of a transitional government , thus indicating that it would no longer help Doe to remain in power .
22 The Christian Social Union ( CSU , part of Kohl 's coalition government ) and organizations specifically representing the 12,000,000 Germans who fled what became Polish territory after 1945 , had called for the treaty to include a " right of return " , and for German " topographical designations " to have official status in the traditional settlement areas of the German minority in Poland .
23 The Communist International at its Seventh ( and final ) Congress in 1935 had called for the formation of such an alliance and this object was being pursued by all national Communist Parties including the British .
24 It also agreed to begin negotiations on troop withdrawals from Poland , where the then Solidarity leader , Lech Walesa , at a meeting with the Soviet ambassador in Gdansk on Jan. 18 , had called for the removal of all Soviet troops by the end of 1990 [ see p. 37258 ] .
25 Ella had called for the goat 's milk .
26 A Soviet statement in March 1958 had called for the establishment of collective security in both Europe and Asia as a basis for destroying the Western-inspired pacts , NATO and SEATO .
27 It ended in retreat and red faces the next day , after the group 's spokesman had called for the dismemberment of Israel .
28 Jamia Millia Islamia University in Delhi remained closed from the beginning of May following the issuing of a " death sentence " by Moslem fundamentalist students against the pro-Vice-Chancellor , Professor Mushirul Hasan , who had called for the lifting of the ban , in force since October 1988 on the grounds of blasphemy , on the Indian-born British novelist Salman Rushdie 's novel The Satanic Verses [ see p 36450 ] .
29 The policy of encouraging population increase , initiated by the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini , had caused the national population to grow within 14 years from 36,000,000 to 60,000,000 , with 45.5 per cent aged under 15 , according to a report in the Economist on Oct. 3 ; Vice-President Massoud Roghani Zanjani had called for the policy to be reversed .
30 On April 6 Austria had called for the creation of a UN buffer zone to protect Kurds in northern Iraq .
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