Example sentences of "had live in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When she married she had to live in the country and , instead of bemoaning what she 'd lost in the way of concerts and the theatre , she enjoyed what was on offer .
2 When I bought my first company and began to build up the business , I had to live in the city , so that I was at the centre of things .
3 When still unmarried , she met a penniless and obviously sick Frenchman who had lived in the South Seas and had come to Koraloona to paint .
4 The amendments ( which were later rescinded ) restricted the right to vote to those who had lived in the constituency for at least two years , or elsewhere in Estonia for five years or more ; deputies themselves had to have lived in Estonia for at least ten years .
5 Rose was anxious , feeling that he had lived in the stone house with too much responsibility for too long .
6 Ly Tong , a former South Vietnamese air force pilot who had lived in the USA since the end of the Vietnam War , hijacked an aircraft flying from Bangkok to Ho Chi Minh City on Sept. 4 .
7 The West Germans were prepared to pay handsomely for the right to emigrate of hundreds of thousands of German-speaking Romanian citizens whose ancestors had lived in the country for centuries .
8 Approximately 2 million Greeks , whose families had lived in the country for generations , were forcibly repatriated and nearly 6 million Armenians were systematically killed or driven from their homes .
9 The kettle began to boil , and she completed the ritual of tea-making , finally standing the pot on a porcelain plate with Windsor Castle painted on it , mounted on sterling-silver trivets , and crowning it with a tea cosy knitted by Matey back in the days when she had lived in the Cochranes country house , now almost derelict since Stair 's expensive debauchery had impoverished the estate .
10 What if Dr. Bach had lived in the desert and not in Oxfordshire with its lush fields and hedgerows .
11 Marcia had lived in the jungle for nine years .
12 During the fifties ignorance about Black people was rife : I remember being asked on many occasions , as a child , if I had lived in the jungle , if my parents ate cat food or even people .
13 Without the help of the Pope , his royal father had made Zacco Archbishop of Nicosia when he was thirteen , and he had lived in the Archbishop 's Palace with Cropnose for years .
14 She had lived in the States for several years but she still retained her British accent , though she often maintained that she loathed England and would never return to it .
15 Mr. Abbott , aged 78 , had lived in the Farnham area for 25 years before leaving to live in the Falklands in 1974 .
16 I had lived in the midst of the Amazons without knowing it .
17 The following were among the findings reported at a conference in Anchorage , Alaska : — brain damage in seals similar to that found in people who die from solvent abuse ; this would have disoriented the animals and affected basic physiological functions like breathing ; it is suspected that many seals drowned , but because dead seals sink an accurate assessment of deaths has not been possible ; — the disappearance of a group of killer whales that had lived in the sound , possibly also due to the " solvent abuse effect " ; — deaths among sea otters not only from hypothermia ( because oil stuck to their fur destroyed its insulating properties ) but from emphysema caused by breathing in toxic fumes and from liver and kidney damage caused by ingesting oil ; — failure to breed among many species of birds since the accident , either because of the death rate within colonies at the time ( in the case of guillemots ) or because continued exposure to oil-polluted food sources is preventing reproduction ; — death tolls of up to 40 per cent for eggs laid by salmon , herring and other fish , and deformities and withered muscles among fish that did hatch .
18 She had lived in the flat for about six months and , according to neighbours , there had been a number of disturbances to which police had been called .
19 The governors of royal colonies , appointed by the king , were expected to maintain a rather dignified and aloof attitude and it was thought that they might find it hard to do this if they had lived in the colony as subordinates or as private citizens in the past .
20 Perhaps there were hundreds of nomes who lived in the aeroplanes in the same way that nomes had lived in the Store .
21 Masklin had lived in the Store long enough to know that where there was a lamp , there was a wire .
22 I admit , you and I did rather live our years together in the shadow of Jean-Claude , as I had lived in the shadow of Montaine .
23 Mr John Bevan , prosecuting , had said that the Johnsons had lived in the house for many years but feared fire and burglars .
24 She said the woman had lived in the house for about nine years and the man for about two .
25 By this time , Joan had married Edward Young , an architect in Lulling known to the Bassetts since childhood , and the young couple had lived in the house ever since .
26 He had lived in the caravan now for just over two years , supported by a research grant from his northern university to study the effect of the Industrial Revolution on the rural industries of East Anglia .
27 Mr Johnson had lived in the street with his girlfriend Gillyanne Anglin-Jarrett for twelve months .
28 Johnston ( 1967 ) , in a study of Nidderdale , found that 51 per cent of the adult population had lived in the area at least 11 years .
29 This rather vague account satisfied and stimulated the interest of most people ; fieldworkers began asking interviewees how long they had lived in the area and moved on to discuss their general attitudes and background .
30 The line is now extinct but at the time we arrived they had lived in the castle for some five hundred years .
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