Example sentences of "had [adv] returned from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A volunteer who had lately returned from China where she had seen another aspect of the refugee problem spent her first evening at Dovercourt simply observing the children .
2 All the usual social suspects were there , including Princess Firyal of Jordan , who had just returned from Acapulco where she visited Ricky and Sandra di Portanova in their permanent tent .
3 We could n't talk because I believe he badly wanted to telephone someone who had just returned from China , so it was just a handshake really .
4 In 1987 I worked with a chief inspector who had just returned from university having read for a Bramshill scholarship in what he called ‘ black letter law ’ .
5 Mr Wormwood had just returned from work .
6 Tony had just returned from Iceland , his epic cycle tour , and I was back from Switzerland , buoyed up by time spent working at the Research Station on the Jungfraujoch .
7 The Israeli Foreign Minister , Moshe Arens , of Likud , who had just returned from America , detailed the proposal of the US Secretary of State , James Baker , for three-way consultations on the composition of the Palestinian delegation .
8 Nominated by his dying brother as Lord High Protector of the realm during the boy king 's minority , he had just returned from Scotland where , at the head of a powerful army , he had re-taken Berwick in his brother 's name and thus nullified the Scottish King 's threat of a full-scale invasion .
9 Claire Hughes , 25 , who had just returned from Australia for a family Christmas , was trapped with Robert , 26 , and widowed mum Kitty , 60 .
10 No details of any other claims by 261 Squadron pilots are available , but their opponents are believed to have been aircraft on the 23° Gruppo C.T. , which had just returned from Libya .
11 Meanwhile , reports on Sept. 20 said that a Harvard University medical team which had recently returned from Iraq had found that the number of child deaths due to malnutrition and disease had trebled since the imposition of sanctions .
12 An international team of academics which had recently returned from Iraq reported on Oct. 22 that the death rate of Iraqi children under five had almost quadrupled since the imposition of sanctions [ see also p. 38452 ] .
13 In 1961 an Institute of Latin America was established at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow , on the recommendation of Anastas Mikoian , who had recently returned from Cuba .
14 Mind you — - " she jerked her head in the direction of the Russell , which had recently returned from Plymouth and lay at anchor in the Pool , " 'E 's got a lot to answer for .
15 Dr Christine Henderson , the first such volunteer , had recently returned from Zimbabwe and described her experiences to the IC , providing graphic examples of the sort of problems that could encountered .
16 Legislative power was to be vested in a 50-member ( of which 25 would be elected ) High Council of the Republic , to include three former civilian presidents from the 1960s who had recently returned from exile — Hubert Maga , Justin Ahomadegbe and Emile Zinsou .
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