Example sentences of "had [verb] [prep] a result " in BNC.

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1 In 1955 five Japanese citizens started a legal action against their own government to recover damages for injuries they had sustained as a result of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki .
2 The voluntary hospital , the South Wing of Bedford 's new general hospital , had developed as a result of charity ; private for the most part , but also with financial support from the public sector ; the story of its development until it was combined with St. Peter 's in 1949 is the subject of the following section :
3 Cole 's extreme anti-semitism had developed as a result of his exposure to the Protocols when he had been involved with allied help to the White Russians in the Civil War in the 1920s .
4 Gas and drainage pipes had broken as a result of the settlement and there was a risk of further breaks .
5 Rusche and Kirchheimer themselves admit ( 1939 : 102 ) that imprisonment became the standard method of punishment at a time when the demand for prison labour had fallen as a result of technological and other developments .
6 In August 1991 the Pentagon revealed that of all US servicemen killed in Desert Storm , one quarter had fallen as a result of friendly fire .
7 If the invitation had come as a result of anxious discussion with Jenny about Cassie 's state of mind , and she rather thought that it had , Ben showed no sign of it .
8 The Department of Trade and Industry , which is responsible for firework safety , said yesterday that the decision to examine how casualty figures were collated had come as a result of a meeting with local authorities .
9 During 1989 speculation grew , however , that Indo-Soviet relations had cooled as a result of new directions in Soviet foreign policy , economic restructuring within the Soviet Union , and the availability to India of superior technology from Japan and the USA .
10 Amongst the carers themselves , ‘ isolation , frustration and resignation ’ were near universal in the sample , with a substantial number estimating that their sense of self-worth had suffered as a result of their situation .
11 In May 1952 an Equalisation of Burdens Act provided compensation payments to refugees for the losses they had suffered as a result of the war .
12 Indeed , the paralysis he had suffered as a result of her suicide had given way to an energetic creative vitality since he and I had been together .
13 A man might be fined , in which case it was usual for him to be ordered to make payment to the person or persons who had suffered as a result of his crime .
14 The DKP had long been dependent on the East German Socialist Unity Party of Germany ( SED — ultimately renamed the Party of Democratic Socialism ( PDS ) in February 1990 — see p. 37260 ) and had suffered as a result of the changes in East Germany ; the ending of financial support from the SED had led to a scaling down of operations .
15 The money that er we raised in the Soviet Union was intended for the families of miners who had suffered as a result of the strike .
16 The losses of the state sector had grown as a result of the explosion of labour costs with the return to democracy , and because the state holding company INI ( Instituto Nacional de Industrias ) became a ‘ hospital ’ for near-bankrupt private companies ; these accounted for more than 40 per cent of its losses in 1983 .
17 A friend of mine lost a whole litter by feeding them a wild goose which he thought had died as a result of a collision with overhead power cables .
18 He had died as a result of being labelled a ‘ capitalist roader ’ and ‘ revisionist ’ , although he was later posthumously rehabilitated and praised by the Party .
19 Quite rightly all hell broke loose in the USA because the FAA had not implemented one of the vital NTSB recommendations after the Windsor accident , and 346 people had died as a result .
20 ( Amnesty also returned to an issue covered in its December 1990 report on abuses under the Iraqi occupation — see p. 37927 — saying that there was in fact no reliable evidence to support the claim that babies had died as a result of being removed from incubators by Iraqi troops . )
21 Earlier , the Iraqi government had told the UN sanctions committee that 6,000 children had died as a result of the embargo .
22 According to official statistics reported in the Guardian of Jan. 2 , 1992 , more than 14,469 people had died as a result of the Sikh separatist campaign in northern India since 1985 .
23 Reports in December spoke of mounting concern over the effects of UN sanctions following government claims that up to 80,000 Iraqi children had died as a result of severe shortages in food and medicines .
24 However , the results of an autopsy carried out by an Israeli and a US pathologist on Feb. 7 indicated that whilst Akawi had been beaten he had died as a result of a " cardiac insufficiency " brought on by a serious heart condition .
25 The prisoner had broken his fast on Oct. 12 and there was no evidence that he had died as a result of the strike .
26 A total of between 350,000 and 390,000 seabirds had died as a result of the spill , while the effects had spread into the food chain over 500 miles from the Prince William Sound .
27 Consultant pathologist Dr Stephen Dundas who carried out a post mortem said Mr Ryder had died as a result of overdosing on both tablets and alcohol .
28 The fungal growth may have been due to the water quality being affected by the chemicals , or it could have set in where damage had occurred as a result of the flicking .
29 One month and again one year after the presentation of the final report , I revisited the school to find out what changes had occurred as a result of the review .
30 Team Spirit 92 had been cancelled due to the improving relations between the two Korean states , but in recent months relations had deteriorated as a result of the North 's refusal to accept unscheduled inspection of its nuclear facilities , and the alleged discovery within South Korea of a huge Northern spy network [ see p. 39141 ] .
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