Example sentences of "had [be] [vb pp] since [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By 1939 one third of all the houses in England and Wales had been built since 1918 ; and extensive urban land absorption was in evidence particularly in the 1930s .
2 In 1721 she had 124 ships of the line and 105 smaller vessels , of which roughly a quarter had been built since 1714 .
3 If ground had been lost since 1963 , it had been lost before Labour took power .
4 One of his earliest discoveries in this field was how to make Tyrian purple — an indigo derivative — from certain shellfish , a secret which had been lost since Roman times .
5 No less than 625 had been lost since 1945 .
6 The Minister of Housing and Local Government ( as his Planning Ministry had been called since 1951 ) , Richard Crossman , set up a Planning Advisory Group in 1964 , chaired by a civil servant , I.V .
7 Rebuilt to full flying condition began in 1987 when Nick Grace , of Spitfire ML407 fame , brought the Mk XI back from Holland , where it had been displayed since 1960 at Overloon .
8 Nothing on a similar scale had been seen since 1911 .
9 A considerable amount of research on energy-based and energy-budget climatology had been undertaken since 1956 when Budyko ( translated 1958 ) attempted a heat balance of the earth 's surface and proceeded from equations of where
10 Despite the Tories ' achievements in the 1980s of trade union reform , privatisation and disciplined public finances , serious economic mistakes had been made since 1987 , and there had been ‘ fatal signs of hubris ’ , most notably the poll tax disaster .
11 Lord Carrington , Healey 's successor in the British Ministry of Defence from 1970 , warmly commended what had been achieved since 1964 .
12 Gasoline had been rationed since 1978 , when oil output was reported so low that domestic needs could not be met .
13 He had been retired since 1979 after completing 42 years ' service — 12 of them on the main board .
14 Her visit , which had been repeated since 1935 , was , I learnt later , not an unmixed pleasure for him .
15 They could , in fact , be described by a particular solution of Einstein 's equations that had been known since 1917 , found by Karl Schwarzschild shortly after the discovery of general relativity .
16 The space available to Central Office was increased by the acquisition of St Stephen 's House as well as St Stephen 's Chambers , which had been occupied since 1874 ; the new office cost $3,000 a year in rent alone .
17 They had no reason to lack confidence in their own assessment — Holland was the home of Fokker and KLM had been established since 1919 , each company producing generations of highly competent aeronautical engineers .
18 The present case had been stalled since 1986 , when the 14 were indicted on charges ranging from $1.2m in tax debts to conspiring to sell cocaine .
19 In the United States it remained the case that no new nuclear generators had been ordered since 1978 .
20 The King had signalled his intention to cancel the emergency laws in November 1989 at the opening of Parliament [ see pp. 37052 ; 37136 ] and the majority of the measures had been suspended since that date .
21 ( The July OPEC production ceiling , set at a total of just under 22,500,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) , had been suspended since late August — see p. 37641 — and the Financial Times of Dec. 14 estimated that current overall OPEC output was 400,000 bpd above the ceiling , despite the loss of 4,300,000 bpd of Iraqi and Kuwaiti exports . )
22 The council of the 41-member International Cocoa Organization ( ICCO ) on March 30 voted almost unanimously to extend the 1986 International Cocoa Agreement between producers and consumers [ see p. 35294 ] for a two-year period from Oct. 1 , but without its provisions to regulate world supplies and prices , which had been suspended since 1988 .
23 On Nov. 18 a UK request for the extradition of the two men was presented by the Italian ambassador in Tripoli ( as UK-Libyan diplomatic relations had been suspended since 1984 ) .
24 Particularly divisive at a parochial level was the stress placed by the bishops on the need for a greater reverence in the communion rite , and their determination that the portable communion tables , which had been used since Elizabethan times , should be replaced by altars permanently positioned at the east end of the chancel and separated from the body of the church by altar rails .
25 I remembered reading about the protests over Club Row just north of Spitalfields ' market , where a street market in animals had been held since Victorian times .
26 This seemed like a Falangist revival , for it was the first session that had been held since 1945 and Franco asserted that it was " necessary that the National Council should recover the role which corresponds to it in the political tasks , because it is hierarchically the highest body in the Movement , whose duty it is to ensure the purity of the organization and the continuity of the doctrine " .18 But many of those present , including the Vice-Secretary of FET , Diego Salas Pombo , detected behind the smokescreen of verbiage a lack of genuine commitment to Arrese 's plan for a Falange-dominated future .
27 The seat had been Tory since 1970 and had been held since 1974 by Sir Charles , who retained it with a sizeable personal vote .
28 The university had been closed since 1988 because of intifada-related violence and unrest on campus .
29 The NUM 's predecessor ( like the NUM itself ) was a federation of local miners ’ unions — The Miners ' Federation of Great Britain ( MFGB ) — with which the Nottinghamshire Miners ' Association ( NMA ) had been federated since 1888 .
30 The Government acknowledges that a total of 5000 ‘ disappeared ’ persons had been reported since 1981 .
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