Example sentences of "who [vb -s] a lot [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mayhew , who has a lot of contact with players at first class and international level , maintains he knows of no first-class players in New Zealand using steroids or performance-enhancing drugs .
2 Someone who has a lot of overt status has a great deal to do : their time and attention are very precious .
3 It shows that Brutus is a very thoughtful person who cares a lot about his fellow humans and will risk a lot to help them when he feels that they are in need ie. he will risk his position in the rule to make sure that Caesar will not bring any harm to the general public .
4 It 's the same sort of factor that allows anybody who smokes a lot to not get cancer and not get bronchitis and live , also live a long time .
5 She is a big lady who takes a lot of space with her personality and conviviality .
6 But for anyone who does a lot of travelling by car or lorry , simply reducing the amount of travelling can significantly lessen exposure to exhaust fumes .
7 So I brought it to Gary Brawer , the San Francisco luthier who does a lot of my setup work and he filled it up — took out the springs and the bar and filled it all up with ash and we put in a regular DiMarzio stop tailpiece , with through-the-body strings .
8 For anyone who does a lot of ‘ cut and sew ’ these templates would prove most useful .
9 For anyone who does a lot of knitting , the initial time spent learning how to use the program will be more than compensated for , because once you have saved your work on to disk , the same garment shape and / or stitch pattern can be used time and time again .
10 A ward sister may perceive the student who spends a lot of time chatting to a particular patient as wasting her time when there is work to do , whilst the student may see herself as legitimately practising her ‘ social interaction skills ’ , and attending to the psychological needs of the patient .
11 Josh , who spends a lot of time riding in trailers pulled by tractors , has a distrust of all modern technology , especially the flashing lights which indicate which way a vehicle intends to turn .
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