Example sentences of "who live on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He assumed she was the younger daughter of the couple who lived on the second floor , until she spoke .
2 Sir Eric and Lady Paignton were there , a kindly , elderly couple , who lived on the other side of the village , and one or two people from Clyst St George ; and a fat , over-dressed little woman who turned out to be Mrs Blessington-Dalrymple .
3 Most people who lived on the south-western littoral consumed imported rice , while the plantation workers and those who provided services for the plantations were almost entirely dependent on it .
4 I ca n't remember exactly who lived on the right hand side , I 've forgotten but th I know the Chief Clerk lived just a little way down , you see , er
5 It was true however that Doris Smythe , an elderly widow who lived on the opposite side of their suburban road in a small rented house , did n't like too much bustle around her .
6 Sommerville , of Redburn , Bonhill , Dunbartonshire , admitted stabbing and murdering Mr Friel , who lived on the same estate , in the local shopping centre on 30 October last .
7 It is presented as proof of the success of her softer approach to all those Frogs , Krauts and Wops who live on the other side the English Channel .
8 In 1982 she found the right spot , in the harsh thornbush country of the Laikipiak Maasai , who live on the northern slopes of Mt Kenya .
9 As was pointed out in the previous chapter , the plan of the Victorian house and the Victorian city have this in common : that both are so designed that the few who live on the privileged side of the divide need know nothing of the many who are crowded beyond it into a fraction of the space .
10 Your article on the Zambian food riots was accurate ( NI 189 ) : I have just returned from visiting friends who live on the Zambian Copperbelt and it was a shock to compare the well-provisioned tourist hotels with the half-empty shops in the city of Ndola .
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