Example sentences of "who [verb] himself as [art] " in BNC.

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1 The appellant , who described himself as a self-employed accountant , falsely claimed to be an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and a graduate or member of the Institute of Marketing .
2 However , his denials were rejected by Barnard who described himself as a scapegoat and claimed that there was " a cover-up going on from ministerial level down " .
3 Duriez , who described himself as a pacifist , admitted that he had been to some of the raid locations .
4 And a man who described himself as an animal right activist , but insisted that he should n't be idenfied , watched today 's court case closely .
5 Ernie , who regarded himself as an expert with horses , had never at any time reassessed his skills .
6 Donald , who describes himself as a Friend of the Earth , does not himself hold a driving licence , but has taken it upon himself to publish a list of prominent men and women who have had the misfortune to be caught driving over the limit a judge , a chief superintendent , various footballers , actors , television personalities — in what he chooses to call his Hall of Shame : It is the number of celebrities we have discovered that is so shocking .
7 At a further press conference on Jan. 19 the opposition parties produced Maj. József Vegvari , an officer in the State Security Service who identified himself as the source of the leaked information , who alleged that reports compiled as a result of the surveillance operation had regularly been passed to senior HSP members and discussed at meetings of the Council of Ministers .
8 He has no morality , no God , no code of chivalry except service to a French King who sees himself as the new Charlemagne .
9 Otto Preminger — or Otto the Ogre — was another Viennese-born film director who established himself as a man many loved to hate .
10 Or how about U.S. lock and Air Force captain Kevin Swords , who established himself as a world-class player and leader at the 1991 World Cup , but is still totally ignored in the U.S. outside the rugby community ?
11 My anger increased when the meeting Director , Len Smith ( who fancied himself as a pocket-sized version of our trenchant promotions officer Andy Norman ) , said to me , ‘ If you do n't run , you 'll never run again .
12 The King , who fancied himself as a theologian , greatly admired Andrewes ' learning and style ; sometimes , indeed , he would sleep with one of his sermons under his pillow .
13 Two of the bigger boys from Thorpe Street had once tried to outswing him for a dare , but Barry Lock had turned chicken at the last minute and Valance Fraser , who fancied himself as the cock of the street , had managed only a partial swing that left him dangling by his arms in the dirt .
14 Kevin 's brother , who fancied himself as an amateur psychologist , said you did n't really forget things like that and it meant Lyn must unconsciously want not to wear it — ergo , not to be married .
15 Hilary was a boy who saw himself as a connoisseur of experience .
16 It was perhaps typical of du Cann , who saw himself as an archetypal operator , that he should try to do both simultaneously .
17 Mandeville , who saw himself as the King 's own commissioner and therefore self-appointed leader , shouted orders ; the great gates swung open , and he led us out .
18 And a combination of that early research and the Trent Bridge base aided his biography of Arthur Shrewsbury , Give Me Arthur : ‘ One day the door opened and an elderly man who introduced himself as a relative of Shrewsbury came in .
19 It was Mr Florio , elected in 1989 , who floated himself as a trial balloon for Clintonomics .
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