Example sentences of "so long [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman aware that many people in this country find it almost inconceivable to understand how such a crook as Maxwell could have got away with what he did for so long without the Crown prosecution service being in any way involved ?
2 We 've all been trucking along for so long on the back of the post-war consensus ( more growth , more production , more consumption , more jobs , more energy , more roads , more hospitals , more rubbish , etc ) , that most people are understandably reluctant to get off the treadmill — even though they can see it 's falling to pieces .
3 Neither Andy Forshaw nor Martin Langston stood out in the HDM event , so Clark , for so long on the fringe of national selection , could get his chance for England in the Buttermen Indoor tournament at Crystal Palace on December 29-30 .
4 Aristotle 's influence was enormous , and even the great English physician , William Harvey , who laboured so long on the chick embryo , could not shake it off .
5 What seemed so dreadful was that he waited so long for the Premiership , and held it for so short a time …
6 It is extraordinary that it took so long for the importance of this to be realised in Britain .
7 ‘ Why did it take so long for the world to wake up to what was going on , ’ she asked repeatedly .
8 The type of mission for which he had trained so long at the camp , for which he had endured so many indignities .
9 It has appeared on countless screens , an instantly recognisable indication of Paris , provided a backdrop for pop videos , high fashion pictures and for films as diverse as So Long at the Fair , The Lavender Hill Mob and the James Bond adventure A View to a Kill .
10 Rarely did the family eat so much , break so many eggs for a single meal , or stay so long at the table ; the pleasure of idleness rocked her limbs , the restless noise of her own worries grew still and their voices faded in her head .
11 It is difficult to see how the courts can scrupulously review the reasonableness of police discretion where the case comes up so long after the event when the wording in the Act is so very wide in the first place .
12 When she had sat down again she said : ‘ So how is it that you 're looking for Elsie now , so long after the event ?
13 Why so much effort so long after the event ?
14 French workmen fleeing from the dock were fired on because the Germans thought this was an organised rising , the explosions coming so long after the raid that they took them to be the work of the Free French Resistance Movement and threatened reprisals if the ‘ revolt ’ did not stop .
15 What is remarkable is that Republican resistance continued for so long after the loss of the north in mid-1937 — a tribute to improved military organization and human courage .
16 He made some remark about being surprised to receive Blanche 's request so long after the murder and not being sure what she hoped to gain from viewing the tapes .
17 She was so small , and Luke so long in the leg , he looked like some father riding a seaside donkey to amuse his children .
18 The drift to a cappella solutions might also be interpreted as a reaction to the individualism and subjectivism of the 1960s , both of which have lingered so long in the performance of medieval and ( some ) Renaissance music .
19 Was it because I was out of reach of the prying eyes of the men in my family and their questions about my comings and goings , and far from my mother 's interrogations about why I slept on my stomach , or why I took so long in the bathroom ?
20 The feel of the sun on our skins again was wonderful and even with our eyes covered the brightness of the sunlight was dazzling after so long in the gloom .
21 Sometimes , of course , all that had arisen was a lump of anxiety in her throat at being interrupted for so long in the middle of work which required a high degree of concentration and often had to be done to a deadline .
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