Example sentences of "so far as [pers pn] know " in BNC.

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1 The hearing began on 29 June at which time , so far as we knew , W. 's condition was stable or deteriorating only slowly , although there had been some further loss of weight .
2 With Paula Grey , so far as we know .
3 So far as we know he was never a merchant , and he never went on crusade , but had he been he would have experienced all the five ways in which travel fundamentally impinged on the folk of the twelfth century ; and if we consider the impact made by the wandering scholars and the growing universities , the flow of litigants and diplomats to and from the papal Curia , the countless pilgrims and pilgrimages , the crusades at their most popular , and the commercial revolution upon the world of the central Middle Ages — then a love of travel and a readiness to travel must be accounted one of the major catalysts of change .
4 It is interesting to note that there have , so far as we know , only been thirty-one phyla in all of pre-history ; nine have become totally extinct .
5 So far as we know they had met only in 1079 , when Eadmer was one of the young monks to whom Anselm talked during his first visit to Canterbury .
6 The temple at Knossos was , so far as we know , the most ambitious building the Minoans attempted .
7 At the end of the last war he found himself some French creature and went to live with her , and so far as we know , he 's still in France . ’
8 So far as we know , Ptolemy spent his whole life in Alexandria , which is well north of the Earth 's equator , so that he could not see the stars of the far south .
9 True he was not , so far as we know , misogynist : there is evidence to the contrary .
10 He did not , so far as we know , see the necessity for structural change to remedy the oppression that women were under .
11 He was the first person , so far as we know , to record the fact that the tentacles of the common sundew are capable of movement .
12 Only 225 boys were interviewed and their results , while interesting ( and , so far as we know , possibly unique ) , will be mentioned only briefly .
13 So far as we know . ’
14 On Oswiu 's death , so far as we know , the succession passed peacefully to his son , Ecgfrith , but concern for what would happen on the death of Ecgfrith is likely to have been acute .
15 So far as we know , the IMHV in the chick is a bit like the ‘ association cortex ’ in mammals — a region of the brain where inputs from many different sense systems converge and presumably become integrated .
16 So far as we know , Jesus never spoke in tongues .
17 So far as we know there 's been no suspicion of foul play . ’
18 So far as we know , the real pioneer of the motet-type of organ ricercar was Girolamo Cavazzoni .
19 The concept of political freedom , which is now so frequently bandied around by the coiners of political slogans , was , so far as we know , first developed in Athens in the fourth century BC where at least two-thirds of the population had the status of chattel slaves .
20 After all , the physical facts of life are commonplace throughout the universe ; the biological , so far as we know , are peculiar to this planet and then for only a very brief part of its history .
21 ( 3 ) The wife shall not so long as the husband shall punctually make the payments hereby agreed to be made commence or prosecute against the husband any matrimonial proceedings other than proceedings for dissolution of marriage but upon failure of the husband to make the said weekly payments as and when the same become due the wife shall be at full liberty on her election to pursue all and every remedy in this regard either by enforcement of the provisions hereof or as if this agreement had not been made.n So far as we know , the parties have remained apart ever since .
22 So far as we know , the police are n't aware of its existence .
23 So far as we know , there are no corresponding atoms of magnetic charge .
24 ‘ Not so far as we know , ’ a man in a flat cap wearing a Hawks Club tie told him .
25 Now , so far as they knew , both children were dead .
26 It was difficult for them to appreciate that [ h ] -loss could ever have been anything else but a stigmatized form : in so far as they knew of evidence for it in earlier centuries , they tended to dismiss it , seemingly in the belief that ‘ vulgar ’ and ‘ careless ’ usage is not implicated in linguistic change .
27 Molly remembered the note still stuck , so far as she knew , opposite ‘ The Flagellation ’ in the Piero della Francesca book .
28 Some fat old hag in a dirty apron came and said so far as she knew you were in hospital .
29 Not entirely sure if she was being teased or not , because so far as she knew the Irish did indeed take leprechauns very seriously , she gave a weak smile .
30 So far as she knew they were only the result of an innocent friendship , so why Feargal 's anger ?
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