Example sentences of "so far [subord] [noun] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 The churchyard had emptied , the wedding-carriages had rolled away , taking their fragile gaiety with them to another world so far as Cara was concerned .
2 Whatever the rights and wrongs of the matter , the authorities required from me a birth certificate from Štanjel , a certificate of Italian citizenship , a certificate from a bishop declaring that I was stato libero so far as marriage was concerned , and goodness knows what else .
3 It was easy , however , to discount this evidence at a time when opinion polls were in their infancy , at least so far as credibility was concerned , and when it was universally thought that support would return to Churchill as soon as his formidable oratorical skills were thrown in on one side of the party contest .
4 My objections were originally on the grounds of freedom , rather than efficiency , although in the event , so far as Britain was concerned , socialism led more to stagnation than to tyranny .
5 Later he moved over and took his seat in Parliament , where he was able to exploit even grander notions , that public transport be nationalized and another Bill was placed before Parliament , with this in mind , at least in so far as London was concerned .
6 Treasury should be followed , but they may have taken that view precisely because , so far as B was concerned , it was a case of questions being put to a person who had been charged .
7 I slip into the pitfall of subjectivity with trepidation , but observing my fellow patients , I seemed to discern a distinct pattern so far as stress was concerned .
8 By December 1940 the news from the African front was very bad so far as Italy was concerned .
9 Some of the judges thought that one effect of rule 3(7) was to abolish the distinction , so far as standing was concerned , between mandamus on the one hand , and certiorari and prohibition on the other ; but at least two of their Lordships were less certain on this point .
10 However , the most striking feature of the reforms resulting from the Maud Report , so far as England was concerned , was the institution of ‘ metropolitan counties ’ in the most heavily urbanised areas of that country .
11 He seems to have recognized — at least he did not dissent from the view — that so far as England was concerned , the choice lay with the king .
12 Beyond the immediate circumstances of this case , Anselm rejected , so far as England was concerned , the recent papal practice of entrusting to specially appointed legates large areas within which they had authority over all archbishops and bishops .
13 In so far as tenants were able to secure the protection of copyhold , it removed the old disadvantages under which the servile tenant laboured .
14 So far as Rome was concerned , they were , of course , rebellious outlaws , to be hounded , harried and ruthlessly extirpated .
15 In so far as Japan was concerned , it was apparent that all profits made from their ‘ British ’ made products went back to Japan to boost their economy and to further their influence into the European markets .
16 It sounded as if he needed another pair of hands for the trip ahead — which was another reprieve so far as Robbie was concerned .
17 In so far as Bukharin was discussing the relationship between society and nature he focused his attention almost wholly upon the material aspects of the exchanges .
18 So far as Dicey was concerned Parliamentary sovereignty was ‘ a legal fact ’ and his purpose was to demonstrate that ‘ Parliament does constitute such a supreme legislative authority or sovereign power as , according to Austin and other jurists , must exist in every civilised state . ’
19 It would not be the end of France 's participation in the alliance — although privately de Gaulle toyed with that step — but the end , so far as France was concerned , of participation in the structures and institutions of NATO .
20 According to Bulpitt , ‘ in so far as monetarism was associated … with ‘ arms ' length ’ , anti-corporatist government , then … the statecraft ( of monetarism ) must be viewed as less a radical break with the past and more as an attempt to reconstruct it' .
21 WP Yes , but South Korea started from a nil base so far as industrialisation was concerned and with labour costs not much above peasant-subsistence level .
22 So far as Delicacy was concerned , I did n't have a care in the world , and yet I smoked and drank like a quadraplegic bankrupt .
23 Most of the Cubists were united in declaring that theirs was an art of realism , and in so far as Cubism was concerned with reinterpreting the external world in a detached , objective way it was also in a sense a classical art .
24 She had no living relatives and , so far as Celia was aware , none of her friendships had survived her arrest .
25 A day or two later she was to receive another surprise so far as animals were concerned when the ginger kitten , more adventurous than his brothers , found his way into the cabin where the Dalmatian was suckling her pups and joined in the free feast .
26 So far as Andrew was able to think beyond himself , Nicandra 's beauty overpowered him .
27 And that arrogant devil Christie Goldsborough who 'd caused the trouble , so far as Frizingley was concerned at any rate , by egging Ben on to cut the wages at Braithwaite 's mill .
28 In fact , in so far as religion was involved , the contrary was probably the case , as the ideas of the Reformation affected the nobles and the town dwellers more than the peasants .
29 Whatever it might have been , it was short-lived so far as James was concerned .
30 So far as privacy was concerned , Malone accepted that there was no general right to privacy in English law , but argued that there was a particular right of privacy , namely the right to hold a telephone conversation in one 's home without molestation .
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