Example sentences of "so far as [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So far as systematic training of diplomats was concerned , therefore , the eighteenth century saw projects and suggestions , but little lasting achievement .
2 Claimants for social welfare provisions have not always been in a good position so far as procedural protection is concerned .
3 So far as material culture is concerned , the Siberian peoples fell into two main categories .
4 These questions were , to a greater or lesser degree , part and parcel of the armed confrontation , in so far as each side had opposing views on them , but they were merely strands in the overall picture , not the underlying design .
5 His Lordship said the defendants were employed , so far as professional skill could , to relieve the wife from the pressures of her matrimonial situation .
6 Radical surgery for prostatic cancer has become acceptable so far as long term functional results are concerned : continence can be maintained or restored in virtually all patients , and potency is maintained in 50–70% of those who are potent preoperatively .
7 This in turn implies that the two generalizations already hinted at-that it was not normal practice either for the kasabat kadi to return to the medrese stream or for him to make the jump to the mevleviyet kadiliks were by then established : both are , of course , in a sense implicit in the Kanunname in so far as neither eventuality is mentioned , though , equally , neither is specifically excluded .
8 Second , in the NATO member states , the relative lack of formal restrictions has contributed to the public unease about defence policy , which is associated in people 's minds with threats of all-out nuclear war : far from assisting deterrence this situation is highly corrosive so far as effective defence and deterrence are concerned .
9 In so far as colonial bureaucracy extended its activities beyond law and order and the collection of revenues , they were perceived of as ‘ nation building responsibilities ’ ( Dube 1964 ) .
10 If , on the other hand , B is already the heir of A , then he has received a benefit under A 's estate , and so far as that benefit extends he may be asked to make over property to C. If he does so , however , this is regarded as restitution of property from A 's estate rather than as an institution to B's own estate .
11 The interest of how things are resides in their figuration , discernible and expressible by the deeper realist , of how things will be only in so far as that futurity is the truth and the end of how they are and always have been .
12 Rawls ' theory deviates from comprehensive neutrality in requiring equal ability to pursue ideals of the good only in so far as that ability depends on the principle of equal liberty .
13 The intrinsic nature of a thing is the whole detailed character which it would share with anything else exactly like it , so far as that character is entirely a matter of what the thing is like , so to speak , within its own boundaries , while its intrinsic properties are the various discriminable elements of its intrinsic nature .
14 For the middle class and the rich it was increasingly tourism , essentially the product of the railway , the steamship and ( in so far as that invention of our period , the picture postcard , is still an essential part of it ) of the new scale and speed of postal communications .
15 The judges know nothing about any will of the people except in so far as that will is expressed by an Act of Parliament , and would never suffer the validity of a statute to be questioned on the ground of its having been passed or kept alive in opposition to the wishes of the electors . ’
16 And virtually everybody who joins the Options Agency has a positive outcome to more than one in some cases , er in so far as that agency is concerned .
17 that statement is presumed to be exhaustive so far as that matter is concerned .
18 The court said that the parties had chosen the manner by which they wished to have their disputes resolved , and that the wording of the clause did not leave any scope for saying that , in so far as that matter was one of law , it was to be determined not by the expert but by the court .
19 In so far as that essay gives some warrant to the idea of free-for-all hermeneutics , then , concedes Norris , ‘ ‘ Structure , Sign and Play' ’ is a text which , at least in its closing paragraphs , falls below the highest standards of Derridean argumentative rigour . ’
20 However , corporatists are sharply critical of the pluralist perspective in so far as that perspective sees the interest-groups system as competitive , " democratic " , equal , and open to all , so that it leads to policy outcomes that give fair shares to everyone .
21 But perhaps the best tag for him is ‘ hippy ’ , in so far as that term has become , for post-punk critic and consumer alike , a cipher for pretension , over-inflation and over-reach .
22 It was tempting to the author to use one part of his own surname — Kease — which , so far as current research reveals , is unique to his family .
23 And so one may say , in more directly Piagetian terms , that the child 's thinking fails , by our lights , in so far as one thought is not balanced ( ‘ in equilibrium with ’ in Piaget 's jargon ) by another .
24 For Bickerton , the continuum — a dynamic system of lects — is necessary to explain the complexities of the Guyanese linguistic situation : " for Guyanese Creole clearly does not constitute a language , in so far as one end of it is indistinguishable from English " ( Bickerton 1973 : 166 ) .
25 10.3 The Tenant acknowledges that [ its ] obligations under this agreement and the Lease shall not be affected or lessened in any way by the fact that there may now or subsequently exist any Restrictions and the Tenant shall with effect from the Possession Date comply with and indemnify the Landlord in respect of any liability under any Restrictions ( whether made before or after the Possession Date ) save in so far as such liability arises from failure by the Landlord to comply with [ its ] obligations under clause 2.2.2 It need hardly be said that the tenant 's solicitor should make all usual inquiries to ascertain whether any such restrictions exist at the date of the agreement .
26 C 224 , p. 3 ) , it was lawful for a member state to require operators of fishing vessels , be they individuals or companies , to maintain a real and permanent presence on shore in its territory where the vessel was registered , in so far as such presence was necessary to enable the member state to fulfil its obligations under international law and under the Common Fisheries Policy .
27 The scale of fee should be commensurate with the risk undertaken , except where this could be detrimental to the establishment of a long term recurring client relationship , in so far as such opportunity presents itself when acting for a vendor client .
28 But he is not directly accessible in any ordinary sense , nor can the necessity of the concept of God for the interpreting of our experience be demonstrated , at least so far as pure reflection on the nature of our knowledge can take us .
29 In so far as religious thinking was permeated by the spirit of Humanism , religious music also submitted to become the vehicle of the word while pure polyphony of the utmost technical refinement continued to serve the religion of pure unreasoning faith , ‘ the magic of sound matching the magic of faith ’ .
30 So far as digital penetration with one finger is concerned , if this is less serious than other types of penetration , this could be reflected in sentencing .
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