Example sentences of "so far [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 On Oswiu 's death , so far as we know , the succession passed peacefully to his son , Ecgfrith , but concern for what would happen on the death of Ecgfrith is likely to have been acute .
32 So far as we know , the IMHV in the chick is a bit like the ‘ association cortex ’ in mammals — a region of the brain where inputs from many different sense systems converge and presumably become integrated .
33 So far as we know , Jesus never spoke in tongues .
34 So far as we know there 's been no suspicion of foul play . ’
35 So far as we know , the real pioneer of the motet-type of organ ricercar was Girolamo Cavazzoni .
36 The concept of political freedom , which is now so frequently bandied around by the coiners of political slogans , was , so far as we know , first developed in Athens in the fourth century BC where at least two-thirds of the population had the status of chattel slaves .
37 After all , the physical facts of life are commonplace throughout the universe ; the biological , so far as we know , are peculiar to this planet and then for only a very brief part of its history .
38 ( 3 ) The wife shall not so long as the husband shall punctually make the payments hereby agreed to be made commence or prosecute against the husband any matrimonial proceedings other than proceedings for dissolution of marriage but upon failure of the husband to make the said weekly payments as and when the same become due the wife shall be at full liberty on her election to pursue all and every remedy in this regard either by enforcement of the provisions hereof or as if this agreement had not been made.n So far as we know , the parties have remained apart ever since .
39 So far as we know , the police are n't aware of its existence .
40 So far as we know , there are no corresponding atoms of magnetic charge .
41 ‘ Not so far as we know , ’ a man in a flat cap wearing a Hawks Club tie told him .
42 I think that so far as we 've got .
43 Thank you , Chair , it 's basically been allocated in terms of floor area , and what we 've said to Age Concern , is in so far as we continue to provide them with premises , then we will , if we adjust those charges , we will adjust their grant accordingly .
44 The old unregenerate ‘ I ’ is nailed to the cross with Christ ( Gal. 2:20 ) : we ‘ live in the Spirit ’ or ‘ walk in the Spirit ’ precisely in so far as we allow the Spirit to ‘ crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts ’ ( Gal. 5:24 ) .
45 For anyone for whom literary education — like any other — is an exploration of the meanings we have and live by , so far as we do live by meanings , Virgil and Dante are connecting rooms …
46 In so far as we deal with cyclical fluctuations here , they will be those which were characteristic of an unregulated capitalist economy typical of the nineteenth century .
47 In so far as we have evidence about regional comparisons , it points to continuities rather than differences .
48 So far as we have been able to see people need to be able to identify those social situations which are distinct in their culture .
49 And that does n't help us much because , so far as we have been able to ascertain , the Zikr does n't appear to have bought a bottle of perfume in his life . ’
50 We , we are er Chairman involved in Redhill proposals in so far as we have submitted erm a series of er points to the local authorities concerned and tomorrow er as it happens is the date for the pre-enquiry meeting , the enquiry is due to be held er in I think late spring May er time , I 'm not sure of the exact date
51 In so far as we consider Bukharin 's theory of equilibrium in relation to his ideas on the theory of capitalist economic crisis we can see that contradiction is a key element in explaining it .
52 Such women may have been rather running businesses than producing goods in so far as they relied on journeymen .
53 As we shall see in the next chapter , the conference on the third day passed a resolution , which led to the formation of the BDDA , but on the preceding days it was concerned with the Report of the Royal Commission and its recommendations in so far as they affected deaf and dumb people .
54 Past cases are only helpful in so far as they act as a guide and some of the main points arising from them are discussed below .
55 There seems to be a strong argument now that the provisions of Regulation 5 of the UK Transfer Regulations , in so far as they make the transfer of the contract of employment compulsory on the employee as well as the employer , are ultra vires and so susceptible to judicial review , in the sense that the government in making the Regulations exceeded the powers conferred on it by the European Communities Act 1972 to make law by delegated legislation .
56 Nevertheless , since evolution is a conservative process our brains are likely to contain some components in common with other mammals in so far as they contain features that were characteristic of the common ancestor .
57 In so far as they purchased stocks for their clients , that was , if an important redirection of resources , hardly an immediate switch between sectors .
58 As has already been mentioned , insider traders also face the possibility of conviction under the US mail and wire fraud statutes in so far as they participate in a ‘ scheme … to defraud ’ ( ie breach of s.10b and Rule 10b-5 ) where use has been made of the postal system or telephonic communication .
59 To them enlightened rule , in so far as they thought in terms of it at all , meant simply effective solutions to immediate problems .
60 Specifically , the history of English since about 1550 is often presented as what Lass ( 1976 : xi ) has called a ‘ single-minded march ’ towards RP and modern standard English , with divergent developments either excluded or admitted only in so far as they throw light on ‘ standard ’ English .
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