Example sentences of "can only [be] understood [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This means that the relation of ideas and practical problems can only be understood as part of the process of history .
2 They also have a strong international dimension since they argue that these forces are aspects ‘ of the continued development of world economy , an economy which can only be understood as a single , integrated system ’ .
3 The effects of retirement can only be understood on an individual basis , its significance depending upon a personal interpretation of the value and importance of work , and what the individual wants and expects from the rest of his or her life .
4 The decision to continue collaboration after 1918 can only be understood through the actual events of that year .
5 Again , Fry 's study of difficulties confronted by disabled people in voting in the 1987 general election ( Fry , 1987 ) indicates a series of problems in the exercise of democratic rights which are to large degree sui generis , and can only be understood through specific knowledge of disability .
6 When Mukařovský ( 1936 and 1970 : 70ff. ) wrote of art , literature , or poetry as semiological facts , he meant that artistic works constitute particular kinds of signs which can only be understood within the framework of a general sign-theory .
7 Health policy can only be understood within the context of the ideas and values which have shaped its development historically .
8 It sometimes seems that individuals have a startling impact on this pattern which can only be understood by appealing to specific psychological traits .
9 Since all action is meaningful , it can only be understood by discovering the meanings which actors assign to their activities .
10 Indeed , here is a reminder that Christmas can only be understood in the light of later events , can only be discovered in all its wonderful freshness and life when we discover for ourselves that Jesus is the human face of God .
11 That is why the new partnerships can only be understood in terms of the contemporary concepts of organisational mission and vision .
12 The Australian Aboriginal religion with its emphasis on mysteries and degrees of initiation , its doctrines of pre-existence ad reincarnation and its belief in psychic powers , belongs to the Orient , not the West , and can only be understood in the light of the Orient . ’
13 Interpretation must always be a matter of matching up what is new to what is familiar : ideas can only be understood in reference to established categories of thought .
14 Carew Hunt , who was an authority at the Foreign Office on international communism and who wrote The Theory and Practice of Communism , argues that it can only be understood in religious terms .
15 Violent behaviour , in the most general sense , can only be understood in association with other behaviour within the same society .
16 Scale and measure can only be understood in context .
17 Showmanship was not just the accidental way in which British and American films were distributed , it was the essence of a whole phenomenon and the films of the English-language world can only be understood in this way .
18 The Indian presence in far flung outposts of the Empire , for example , from Malaysia to East Africa , can only be understood in this context , and it is important to note that a tradition of emigration from Jamaica had already developed in the nineteenth century , with 2,000 Jamaicans migrating to build railways in Panama , followed by well over 80,000 who went to work on the first attempt at constructing the Panama Canal in the 1880s .
19 As Graff argues , literacy can only be understood in context : ‘ it can be established neither arbitrarily nor uniformly for all members of the population ’ ( 1979 , p. 292 ) .
20 The remarkable role he played in Russia 's development can only be understood in terms of his total immersion — intellectual , emotional , moral — in Marxism .
21 Social theories thus argue that freedom requires an understanding of the self and our self-understanding or identity can only be understood in relation to the practices of our society .
22 The Restoration is , perhaps , all of these things , and can only be understood in terms of the background of those who participated , the pressures for economic , social and political change and the context of the Western threat .
23 Against the historical unification we would stress that sex is relational , is shaped in social interaction , and can only be understood in its historical context , in terms of the cultural meanings assigned to it , and in terms of the internal , subjective meanings of the sexed individuals that emerge .
24 Rex and Tomlinson ( 1979 ) are clear that the position of ethnic minorities and the conflicts that surround race and ethnicity in Britain can only be understood in the light of Britain 's imperial past and the recent collapse of empire ; ‘ a serious sociological analysis of race relations problems must rest upon a concept of the social structure of Empire and of the class formations which occur within it ’ ( p. 286 ) .
25 The impact of this arrival of South Asian calico can only be understood in terms of those wider social changes already referred to .
26 Russia 's response to the crisis of 1914 can only be understood in terms of the nature of the tsarist regime and of the pressures upon it .
27 The federal pattern of democratic revolution and the Centralista tradition can only be understood in terms of this municipal patriotism .
28 The modern paradox , that the areas of Yugoslavia which are most richly endowed with mineral resources and other industrial raw materials are the least economically developed , can only be understood in the context of the long centuries of neglect from which Yugoslavia south of the Danube-Sava line suffered during the Ottoman period .
29 Such Marxists are arguing that whatever people may believe subjectively about their own freedom to make choices which will shape their society , the true locus of change can only be understood in terms of the objective laws of motion and requirements of the capitalist mode of production .
30 Pizzorno argues that the modern underdevelopment of the south of Italy can only be understood in terms of the historical relationship of area to the locations of power and productivity by which it has been dominated and to which it has been marginal .
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