Example sentences of "can be carried [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 There are many businesses that can be carried on in rural and residential areas without causing unacceptable disturbance …
2 They can be carried round in the pocket and referred to frequently — on the bus , while taking the dog for a walk , while shaving , almost anywhere .
3 If wood is to be stained as well as filled , then it is possible with some makes to thin the filler with the wood dye , so that dyeing and filling can be carried out in one operation .
4 The redevelopment of the Shenley Hospital for new housing suggests that such redevelopment can be carried out in a sensitive and locally acceptable manner .
5 Whereas artificial insemination is a simple technique , which can be carried out in an outpatients department , or even at home , in vitro fertilization needs to be performed by highly skilled practitioners and requires sophisticated laboratory facilities .
6 The cases can be carried out in any order and entirely selectively ( there is no ongoing storyline ) .
7 The finance of trade and capital flows can be carried out in various currencies when the latter are freely convertible into each other , although payment may be preferred in currencies which have a more stable exchange value .
8 They work by detecting the by-products of the vaginitis bacteria that cause its characteristic fishy smell , and can be carried out in the surgery in two minutes , thus avoiding the usual five to 10-day wait for lab test results — and prolonged discomfort .
9 The process can be carried out in a micro-wave oven .
10 On the 25th March 1993 Mr Howard updated the DoE guideline to planners thus ‘ it would be against the national interest to refuse planning permission for the extension of economic indigenous coal where the development can be carried out in an environmentally acceptable way .
11 Some business decisions can be carried out in the same way .
12 ] It is unnecessary , under these circumstances , for any participant to inch ahead of his competitors ( in the attractiveness of opportunities offered ) , since all current plans can be carried out in the market without disappointment .
13 Paragraph 4.15 of the non-technical summary rightly states : ’ there will be restrictions on the type of watersports that can be carried out in the Bay .
14 The communication of findings can be carried out in any manner which meets the performance criteria .
15 Measurement of the osmotic pressure π of a polymer solution can be carried out in the type of cell represented schematically in figure 9.1 .
16 Rangers ' pitch will now be lifted at the earliest opportunity and a new one laid in its place , so long as the work can be carried out in time for the new season .
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