Example sentences of "can not [be] understood [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Stedman Jones ' ( 1982 ) re-examination of chartism , for example , argues that its political form can not be understood as a simplistic response to the putative material experience of a class , nor can its political language be seen as an expression of that experience .
2 But he warns that the ideas of civil association and enterprise association can not be understood as complementary characteristics ; they each stand for an independent , self-sustaining mode of association .
3 Indeed , for the Formalists , ‘ literary language ’ … and its development can not be understood as a planned development of tradition , but rather as colossal displacements of traditions ’ ( Tynyanov 1978c : p. 144 , my italics ) .
4 Consequently , whilst corporate crime can not be understood without grasping the fact that it stems from contradictions between a corporation 's goal(s) and its environment , that understanding remains one-sided if individuals are left out of the analysis .
5 Patterns of support between kin can not be understood without first making some reference to the ways in which the structure of the population , and patterns of family formation associated with it , have themselves changed over time .
6 It can not be understood without reference to the growing land hunger and militancy of millions of peasants .
7 by no means all purists identified with feminism , but the rapid growth of the women 's movement in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century can not be understood without reference to the purity crusades , which drew thousands of women into the political arena for the first time .
8 While not wishing to deny that there are differences in the ways executives , bureaucracies and assemblies operate compared with law courts , we suggest that the politics of any system can not be understood without some awareness of the crucial part played by law in its operations .
9 It will look both at large-scale historical transformations , and at the responses and perceptions of the local Andean population , since the present crisis affecting highland Bolivia can not be understood without taking into account its historical and cultural roots .
10 Such illustrations lead to a third problem : Does the culture conditioning of God 's self-revelation mean that the Bible can not be understood by ordinary people without the help of theologically trained interpreters ?
11 Thus it is an open system rather than a closed one and its behaviour can not be understood by simply looking at the relationship between inputs and outputs .
12 This involves ‘ redrawing the boundaries of semantics/pragmatics ’ , in other words recognising that meaning can not be understood by addressing ourselves only to formal , syntactic processes : ‘ pragmatics ’ , the study of why and how utterances are used , has to be included within the study of what the utterances mean , and how their semantic load is constructed and regularised .
13 The Scarman Report formed a part — and a vital one — of this process of political debate , but its role can not be understood in isolation .
14 It should now be clear that Buid attitudes toward peace and violence can not be understood in terms of innate psycho-biological dispositions , or in terms of their adaptation of the natural environment .
15 A standard story , repeated by travellers and natives alike , holds that if you travel 50 miles in Britain you will encounter a different sign language that can not be understood in the region you have just left .
16 Marx 's work can not be understood in any terms other than the ones he himself developed ; but these are not spelled out , and are only indirectly expressed in his work .
17 Thus even individual choice can not be understood in isolation from the wider social structure .
18 Further , the physical and sexual abuse of women , which the evidence shows is much more widespread than is popularly believed , can not be understood in terms of anything other than patriarchal relations .
19 ‘ Telepathy is the communication between people of thoughts , feelings etc … involving mechanisms that can not be understood in terms of known scientific laws . ’
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