Example sentences of "can [adv] assume that [art] " in BNC.

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1 One can only assume that the farm would suffer if this came about .
2 One can only assume that the purchasers of these lichen-grey accoutrements are members of EXIT , and that anyone attempting to rescue them would receive a bloody nose for their trouble .
3 One can only assume that the later , powerfully muscled and squatter ankylosaurs were more finely tuned to Earth 's gravity .
4 One can only assume that the Roman officials exceeded their authority and treated the royal family with disrespect .
5 Where hedging of bets ( ‘ ambiguity ’ ) is not just feasible but desirable , we can only assume that the problem is not cancer , but hypochondria .
6 It is not the Commission 's policy to disclose the reasons for its decisions , and I can only assume that the Commission prefer the Refreshment Department 's current practices , which were designed to promote healthy and nutritious food in the House .
7 I can only assume that the NI went to press before the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait for this important factor to have been omitted .
8 I can only assume that the right hon. Gentleman 's last question was a knee-jerk reaction .
9 I can only assume that the words were left out because an assurance ’ vigorously ’ to continue ’ fighting crime ’ would have raised only a horse laugh when offered by a Government with a record of this Government on this subject .
10 I can only assume that the crew of this barge were new to boating as their attempt to get by the bridge was reminiscent of ’ Game for a Laugh ’ .
11 these are recommendations from a joint working party D of E of the erm local authority association and they are to almost unbelievable for us to consider and I can only assume that the that we must remember that this is really a response to what I call Heseltine 's last squeeze which was the idea of executive mayors and so in a sense lip service which has to be paid somewhere along those lines but it does recommend that we think seriously about cabinet govern government about single party committees and I ca n't imagine how anybody in their right minds would argue now that the cabinet government when they see what cabinet government leads to in Westminster and what de facto cabinet government leads to in majority ruled councils up and down the country erm , there is of course a I think a misleading er er brownie point the idea of relaxing restrictions on members allowances but members must realise why that is in there .
12 We can not assume that a divergent phonological system , for example , is structurally similar to or derivative from RP , or that lexical items belong to the same phonemic sets , or that the tense/aspect system is structured in the same way as that of standard English .
13 But one can not assume that an everyday ‘ coherent ’ sense of self is readily available .
14 Thus if we have a whole W , made up of parts X and Y then we can not assume that the value of W is the value of X added to the value of Y , for W may be an organic unity .
15 If we are to understand the significance of subject specialization , then we must take the choices made by women seriously : we can not assume that the student who chooses physical science is somehow ‘ right ’ while the student who chooses the humanities is somehow ‘ wrong ’ .
16 In other words , in this case , we can not assume that the position in 1974 represented inter-generational equity .
17 You must state these , because you can not assume that the users of this grammar are well acquainted with such principles .
18 But no general account of methodology can reasonably assume that the investigator is a native speaker or has native speaker-like intuitions , and for an outsider at least identification involves finding evidence that a linguistic unit varies in a systematic way between speakers , or between different speech styles of a single speaker .
19 However , such systems tend to settle down after a time ; as long as the feedback process is not in full swing , we can often assume that the net effect has balanced out in one direction or the other .
20 One can therefore assume that the impressions will be embedded in the brain in nonsensical recollections quite unconnected with the structure of the environment ’ .
21 I think we can safely assume that the statuette was washed and wiped clean after the event . ’
22 Besides , while the financial implications of the defeat by England have never been revealed , one can safely assume that the loss has deprived the French players of a fair amount of endorsements and sponsorship .
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