Example sentences of "what [be] [adv] refer to " in BNC.

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1 In prayer-rug designs this arch-shaped form is usually found at the top end of the composition , although it is sometimes employed at both ends in what are generally referred to as " double-ended " prayer rugs ( pls. 17 and 18 ) .
2 In particular , it appears to be forging links with philosophy , linguistics and psychology in what are increasingly referred to as ‘ cognitive sciences ’ , and establishing itself not simply as a tool but an object of study in its own right .
3 Integration has led to what 's best referred to as the televisualisation of Hollywood .
4 As a rug gets older the colours become more subdued ; this mellowing process is caused by the reaction of the dyes to light , and it can take between 20 and 50 years before the rug reaches what is generally referred to as " the primary stage of mellowness " .
5 Should we take account of only the material standards of village life or should we include such an apparently ephemeral notion as what is colloquially referred to as ‘ community spirit ’ , the sense of identity and belonging , which the inhabitants feel ?
6 The war between France what is normally referred to as the Franco-Prussian war .
7 The computer holds the microprograms in what is normally referred to as a control store .
8 What is here referred to as " the same " is not an item , or items , capable of existing per se , but rather a mode or species of thought ; and a species of thought is necessarily " reconstitutable " in different thought acts , or else it is not a species .
9 These two levels constitute what is often referred to as the " double articulation " of linguistic form : phonology being the " sound pattern " of the language ( phonemes , stress , rhythm , intonation ) , and syntax being , roughly speaking , the abstract grammatical and lexical form of language .
10 Political parties , professional associations and local authority associations are frequently the major actors in what is often referred to as the ‘ national local government system ’ ( see Rhodes 1988 ) .
11 ] Will the ‘ Twelve ’ have established a relatively open trading relationship with the rest of the world or will it , accepting that a common external tariff will remain , have gone the opposite way and created a protectionist Europe what is often referred to as Fortress Europe ?
12 This approach has received considerable reinforcement recently in what is often referred to as " the experiential approach to RE " ( see Chapter 6 for detailed discussion of this ) which focuses on helping pupils to relate to their own experiences and develop the skills they need to reflect on this in a meaningful way .
13 The principle of independence in monist reasoning is usually coupled with an attempt to interpret relations as a sub-class of properties and expressive of certain purely internal features of their terms , or what is sometimes referred to as the doctrine of the " internality of relations " .
14 SQMS , or the Scottish Quality Management System , was given the approval of Ian Lang , the Scottish Secretary , for bringing ‘ rationalisation to what is sometimes referred to as the quality jungle ’ .
15 However , normal mass spectrometers are not sensitive enough to detect 14 C and to reject all other elements or molecules of very nearly the same weight , such as 14 N. As this nitrogen isotope makes up some 80 per cent of the atmosphere it is very common relative to 14 C. The techniques of nuclear physics were brought to bear on this problem in the late 1970s , and it was shown that 14 C could be detected using what is now referred to as accelerator mass spectrometry , AMS .
16 Following the 1974 NHS reorganisation , we had the introduction of what is now referred to as the departmental system of budgeting ( as in level 2 in Fig. 3.2 ) .
17 Most older people do not need what is interestingly referred to as ‘ warden-controlled accommodation ’ , although they seldom object to this extra facility .
18 The simplest and most fundamental aspect of cognisance ( fundamental philosophically and developmentally ) is what is usually referred to as ‘ self-world dualism ’ : the knowledge that there is a physical world out there of which I am an experiencer and that is distinct from me .
19 The very headings in the model presuppose some kind of conceptual framework for thinking about what is to be taught ; what is usually referred to in the literature as ‘ curriculum theory ’ rather than ‘ curriculum development ’ .
20 A relativist will deny that there is a unique category , ‘ science ’ , that is intrinsically superior to other forms of knowledge , although it may well be that individuals or communities place a high value on what is usually referred to as science .
21 In the Sirte Basin of eastern Libya , there are magnificent cliff sections , running literally for hundreds of miles , in what is usually referred to as the Marada Formation , of early Miocene ( Burdigalian ) age .
22 Sports doctors at a conference in Austria have concluded that female competitors produce better results in sport after what is daintily referred to as a ‘ turbulent amorous event ’ .
23 A combination of District and Regional Council 's policies , industrial decline , and the embracing of popular capitalism pursued by central government since their election in 1979 , has ensured that the schemes in Glasgow have the highest levels of multiple deprivation of any other city in the UK and has created what is commonly referred to as the Fourth World .
24 Under section 6(3) , a defendant who is charged with sexual intercourse with a girl who is over 13 and under 16 may avail himself of what is commonly referred to as ‘ the young man 's defence . ’
25 Increased spatial polarisation of the British electorate since 1955 is frequently remarked upon : it is usually associated with what is commonly referred to as a growing north:south divide , and sometimes with a growing urban:rural division too .
26 The script file described how the movie would show the impact of a coercive group on ‘ an ordinary man ’ and would be set in what was interestingly referred to as ‘ a lower middle-class suburban neighbourhood of an industrial town ’ .
27 Uncle Fred left four sons , two of whom had followed him into the Marines and a widow , Aunt May , who suffered from what was then referred to as shaking palsy .
28 It was what would be shown on the screens of the new theatres that would ultimately determine what was always referred to as ‘ the tone ’ of the movies as a social custom .
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