Example sentences of "will try [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They will try to shoot us in the light from the door . ’
2 As an example of what is meant by ‘ assignment ’ , we might say that a botanist who discovers an unusual plant will try to assign it to a known species ; if this is found impossible , it will be decided that a new species has been discovered , and that future examples of this plant will be assigned to this new species .
3 This month , a close companion will try to push you into something unappealing .
4 Unfortunately it is becoming more and more difficult to avoid things like direct debits , particularly if you are dealing with insurance companies who , on the whole , prefer this form of payment , and will try to coerce you into doing it .
5 However , some parcels can not be delivered , for example because the recipient has gone away or refuses to accept the parcel , in which case we will try to return it to you .
6 I think this Adam Carver will try to charm you into signing .
7 When the area of tension stresses ahead of the crack tip reaches the interface , it will try to open it by pulling the two sides apart .
8 CICS for OS/2 is not the only ‘ middleware ’ that IBM was touting at the end of March ; the company continued the theme by unveiling the first implementations of its Message Queue Interface , dubbed the MQSeries , and said that it will try to promote them as a cross-system standard .
9 Johanna Carrie and Christina McInally will try to involve you in the traumas of turning research results into a coherent report that people might want to read .
10 Or where do I — can I write down an address on a piece of paper and I will try to mail them from the hotel .
11 Something of that strange that strangeness and that irony lies behind the famous claim ‘ I will try to express myself in some mode of life for art as freely as I can and as wholly as I can , using for my defence the only arms I allow myself to use — silence , exile and cunning .
12 We each filled ourselves a small glass of vodka , and he said , ‘ George Dionisovich , I will try to help you for your kind heart and for your kind deeds ’ .
13 So , you see , that is why Semenov had said ‘ I will try to help you for your kind deeds ’ .
14 At present , we do n't have our addresses in Nanking and Shanghai , but will try to get them in advance , so that we can let you know how to contact us .
15 I will try to contact you by telephone , but if I do not manage it , I would be grateful if you could try to ring me on the above number , extension 4425 .
16 Then all of a sudden he left and went up to San Carlos and joined the reservation police as if to become Apache again ( Here they called him Tres Hombres , which I will try to tell you about later . )
17 I have studied various maps of the county and a number of documents without being able to pin-point the location of this manor , but will try to place it by the clues I have been able to deduce .
18 As soon as he sees one , he will try to entice her to his nest .
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