Example sentences of "will want [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No doubt they will want to interview you at some time .
2 Recognize anger and see how destructive it is to you and to others around you , including those who love you and whom you love , Then you will want to do something about it .
3 I know that his many friends and family , as well as those who have only recently met him , think that this must be one of those marriages that are made in heaven , and will want to join me in wishing Steven and Annabelle a long and happy married life together .
4 And I am sure you will want to join me in wishing them every success and happiness in their new venture and marriage .
5 He has dedicated his entire career to the development of sport in Scotland and I am sure all Council members will want to join me in thanking him for the commitment he has shown over the years . ’
6 If the children are unused to the teacher taking on a role , however , they will want to push you into an authority role .
7 So , if the RC is between 0° and 090° you will want to move it to the Right ( clockwise ) to get it onto 090° .
8 If your true friends know that you are a Christian , sooner or later they will want to know something about your faith .
9 I do n't suppose Father Courtney will want to expose you to the temptations of the World and the Flesh a day longer than necessary . ’
10 Aim for a list that give the widest possible choice and price range ; whilst there will be friends and colleagues who will club together to buy you a present , others will want to buy something on their own .
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