Example sentences of "will see [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 In aviaries around the outside of the Walled Garden , you will see a range of familiar domesticated cage birds — which , given informed care , can make very good garden aviary subjects .
2 And if you go to places like erm Guisborough , erm er and South Middlesbrough there you will see a range of housing types available for range of groups in the community .
3 Around the park you will see a variety of animals which will have particular appeal to children .
4 Walkers will see a variety of flora and fauna including deer , kestrels and woodpeckers .
5 In future , that will mean that the old high rates will no longer be levied on the unsuspecting population , and we will see a continuation of support by central Government of local government .
6 because , you know , you will see a couple of doctors wandering around and sitting at the desk
7 The next election will see a wave of Tory propaganda hit the province and , unless things change , there will be no one there to challenge it .
8 I suppose now Rocastle will see a run of games in the 1st team .
9 Jonathan Bodlender FHCIMA , chairman , believes that there are clear indications that this summer will see a lot of American visitors to the UK ‘ albeit at very competitive rates ’ .
10 But if they do look up they will see a cat's-cradle of motley cables and wires that have a tale of initiative and rebellion to tell .
11 He argues : ‘ I have little doubt that on average we will see a premium of about a third , but it could take a few weeks to get there .
12 It is a fair assumption that the CBI knows at least as much about manufacturing as the hon. Lady does , and she will see a commendation of the Government 's policy in the 1980s and a firm recommendation that it should continue .
13 In the aquarium , you will see a number of aquatic tortoises , including Malayan Box , Reeve 's from Asia , Helmeted from Africa , Caspian and Pond Terrapins from Europe and Three-toed Box from North America .
14 Nevertheless , 1993 will see a number of opportunities opening out in both new geographical markets in South East Asia and West Africa and also as a result of our recently introduced Orion satellite positioning system .
15 First , Nicholas Budgen , the somewhat maverick right-wing Tory MP , said on 5 December 1984 when receiving the Spectator Backbencher-of-the-Year Award , ‘ My hope is that this Parliament will see a restoration of Cabinet government . ’
16 Then if Mr Major takes a cool look at why Mrs Thatcher was overthrown , why he became Prime Minister in 1990 , and why he came so near to defeat in 1992 , he will see a cycle of excessive boom , high inflation and then prolonged recession .
17 It is this expectation which gives the work its edge and you will see a side of Peter Pan and the Ferry Girl which perhaps only exists in our darker moments .
18 On page 42 we will see the significance of this in helping to generate one of the world 's most important oceanographic and climatological phenomena , the warm southern ocean current known as El Niño .
19 ‘ 1992 will see the return of a strong look , once created by the Punk movement . ’
20 I pray that my colleagues in government will see the sense of now taking the pressure off British interest rates .
21 The secularist looking on will see the act of his taking the flowers to her grave as symbolic , in the sense of a way of expressing his grief , which is rewarded by an imaginary visit from her .
22 The latter part of 1992 will see the development of a ‘ Steady as You Go ’ campaign aimed at elderly bus users .
23 At a briefing given on September 19 , Dr Michael Fopp , Director of the RAFM , announced that , starting on November 1 and taking until February 7 next year , Hendon will see the departure of five airframes and the arrival for display of six ‘ new ’ aircraft .
24 This year will see the refurbishment of St Ronan 's Church , the medieval parish church beside the nunnery , but the outstanding needs are : nunnery , £200,000 ; St Matthew 's Cross , £20,000 ; other memorials , £30,000 ; interpretation , £40,000 ; grounds and gardens , £60,000 .
25 This year will see the construction of a £7 million aroma chemicals plant at Widnes on Merseyside for Bush , Boake Allen .
26 This auction will see the dispersal of forty-five pieces of eighteenth-century French silver from the collection of Arturo Lopez-Willshaw .
27 The contemporary section will see the dispersal of some fifty prints by David Hockney from the Knoedler Kasmin Gallery , with estimates varying from £300–8,000 ( $530–14,000 ) .
28 They will see the work of Christian Aid-funded projects in Eritrea and attend the final meeting of the Emergency Relief Desk , a cross-border consortium which is now closing down in Ethiopia and Eritrea .
29 Almost inaudibly , Fand said , ‘ Look at me , mortal , and you will see the mark of her spell in my face . ’
30 Can I say Chairman on on this report of the policy of the old policy and resources committee on the internal management of local authorities that was a very important issue because it 's I all issues are important but in particular the the seal the report is to inform the council of comments which the policy and resources committee has agreed to make the association of county councils on the recommendation of the joint working party on the internal management of local authority Now I 'm sure you , you 've waded through the report at least some of the during the last er week or so that er that you 've had it well I would advise you to turn to page thirty and thirty one because there 's lot eas and it 'll make life easier for you , if you do that and there on the bottom half of page thirty you will see the decisions of the policy and resources committee .
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