Example sentences of "will be discussed [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In Part Two , it will be referred to in a similar way ; or instance , insider approaches to evaluation will be discussed as a mode of professional accountability , and inspections and local authority schemes will be examined as responses to contractual accountability demands .
2 His blueprint for evolving ‘ a genuine parliamentary democracy ’ will be discussed at a preparatory conference next spring which the European parliament will hold with the Council of Ministers and the bureaucratic Commission .
3 Any concerns about the proposals will be discussed at a meeting of the Environmental Health Department next week .
4 Mr Baldry 's new measures will be discussed at a Convention on International Trade in endangered species in Japan next month .
5 Mr Graham 's letter to Cheshire County Council 's environment services committee will be discussed at a meeting on Thursday .
6 A RANGE of issues affecting personnel and training professionals , such as ways to measure and reward the competence of a workforce , will be discussed at a one-day seminar in Liverpool 's Maritime Museum tomorrow .
7 I suspect that these matters will be discussed on a number of occasions in the future , but the Opposition should not be too complacent about the attitudes and voting patterns of those north of the border for ever and a day .
8 Why this should be so will be discussed in a moment but it does enable the other observations to be accounted for by a single theory .
9 Some of the most important fossils are extremely tiny : these will be discussed in a later chapter , and what follows is concerned with the forms that can be recognized from hand specimens .
10 These turbulent masses of superheated gases and incandescent solid particles present some fascinating problems to vulcanologists , which will be discussed in a later chapter .
11 The pumice deposits produced by Vesuvian ( sub-Plinian ) and Plinian eruptions are much the most interesting of all pyroclastic rocks , so they will be discussed in a little more detail .
12 Ruskin ( who will be discussed in a later chapter ) also wrote his autobiography in old age , and without our knowledge of his life from other sources we should have a distorted picture of his childhood , and should know nothing at all about his marriage .
13 The large question of the limits upon royal power will be discussed in a later chapter , but it can be said now that , although the Crown put pressure upon both Houses , they were capable of obstinacy and independence .
14 This idea of type section for a particular stratigraphical division will be discussed in a later chapter ; all I must say here is that no type section known to me can possibly pretend to be representative of a whole unit of the stratigraphical column , however small .
15 The claim , drawn up by the national executive , will be discussed by a union council meeting on 14 October .
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