Example sentences of "will [be] take [prep] account " in BNC.

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1 This concerns the question of written representations , er which I will be taking into account .
2 Labour will use the bill 's committee stage , which began yesterday , to argue that the legislation is silent on how care standards will be measured in the NHS 's new contract culture and how the views of patients will be taken into account .
3 Wages that you earn or could reasonably have earned during your notice period will be taken into account when assessing compensation .
4 If you receive state benefits , such as unemployment benefit , during your notice period , they will be taken into account in calculating the extent of your claim .
5 The UFC has launched its new research quality assessment , which will be taken into account when calculating funding for 1993–94 .
6 Any profit arising on surrender or maturity will be taken into account to determine the amount , if any , of age related allowance to which you are entitled .
7 Ability will be taken into account when planning distance and duration of rides .
8 After a year in hospital the pension may be reduced still further , but if your parent is treated as having a dependant this will be taken into account .
9 The value of the property will be taken into account if a DSS subsidy is required for private or voluntary care .
10 When applying for entry to a conversion course , past experience and qualifications will be taken into account , of course , but the demand for places on the 52-week courses is such that returning nurses are likely to be disadvantaged from those already practising .
11 Payment can be postponed for a year and it is not clear yet how inflation will be taken into account and whether the price will be paid in roubles or in hard currency .
12 A growing band of trade associations , pressure groups , company representatives and independent consultants now stalk the corridors of the Commission and the Parliament , talking to officials and politicians in the hope that their views and interests will be taken into account as the draft legislation passes through the system .
13 In the event of such a solution being reached any payments or other compensation paid under the terms of the loan will be taken into account in any future financial arrangements between the parties .
14 In coming to the conclusion whether it would be unconscionable for the creditor to enforce the charge against the surety , all the circumstances involving the relationships between the creditor , the debtor and the surety will be taken into account .
15 Thus if the wife is in employment her earnings will be taken into account and the family will normally be disqualified .
16 However , if the property where your business operates is also used as a person 's home , only the business element will be taken into account when it is revalued .
17 Your needs and wishes and the preferences of your GP will be taken into account by your local health authority when making agreements with hospitals on the services to be provided .
18 Any comments already made following the original application for planning permission ( unless they are expressly confidential ) will be forwarded to the Department and copied to the appellant and will be taken into account by your Inspector in deciding the appeal .
19 Obviously , the wishes of the user will be taken into account , as will the various sources of influence described above .
20 When making bids , prospective purchasers will be asked to state their proposals for pensions arrangements and these will be taken into account in assessing bids .
21 However , prospective purchasers will be asked to declare their intentions when making bids , and that information will be taken into account when assessing bids .
22 All relevant circumstances will be taken into account when bids are made , and pension provision will be a key subject for the Secretary of State to consider .
23 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : All relevant circumstances will be taken into account , and those extremely important facts will be considered when bids are made .
24 His speech was full of phrases such as , " All relevant circumstances will be taken into consideration " ; " I am confident that " such and such a thing will not happen ; " I do not envisage " that this will occur ; " I fully realise that such may be the case " ; " These will be taken into consideration The means will be satisfactory " ; and " This will be taken into account . "
25 I have enclosed our response to Government 's proposals and hope that , despite its late arrival , it will be taken into account before the proposals are finalised .
26 We are pleased offer our detailed views below and hope they will be taken into account before the Government finalises its procedures for the implementation of the EC Directive .
27 I have pleasure in enclosing our considered response which we hope will be taken into account when finalising the guidance for publication .
28 I have pleasure in enclosing our considered response which we hope will be taken into account when finalising the guidance for publication .
29 Spelling , punctuation and the presentation of the work will be taken into account when the candidate 's transcription is being assessed .
30 Spelling , punctuation and the presentation of the work will be taken into account when the candidate 's transcription is being assessed .
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