Example sentences of "will [adv] depend on the " in BNC.

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1 In accepting being alone much will obviously depend on the reason behind the situation and our ability to deal with the problems related to being a single person : the death of a partner or parents in retirement ; becoming separated or divorced ; adjusting to being an ‘ alien ’ pensioner .
2 The facilities available in each division will obviously depend on the particular system , but a fairly common division would be as follows .
3 What steps are reasonable in any particular case will obviously depend on the circumstances in which the policeman ( or the citizen ) finds himself , but these might include requiring trespassers to leave , requiring a speaker to move from his chosen spot , or to desist from speaking altogether , calling for quiet when noise seems likely to provoke a breach of the peace ; in short , anything that is necessary to prevent the breach from occurring .
4 The figures selected will obviously depend on the nature of a company 's business , but generally the most interesting trends to note will include : sales , net assets , profit , and dividends .
5 The number of days in a month will obviously depend on the month in question ; thus if a contract requires goods to be paid for within one month of delivery , and goods are delivered on 19 February , they must be paid for by 19 March ( see Dodds v Walker [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 1061 ) .
6 The salary will naturally depend on the size and range of work of the practice in which the trainee solicitor is articled , but The Law Society sets down recommended minimum salaries and can refuse to register articles where the salary is less than this figure .
7 The validity of the observation statements when correctly acquired will not depend on the taste , opinion , hopes or expectations of the observer .
8 If the former , tree will not prime TREE ; if the latter , the extent of priming will not depend on the typographical similarity of primer and target .
9 The degree to which deprivation is reproduced across successive generations of oppressed and minority groups will largely depend on the interaction between such divisions of the labour force and the regional economies of the localities in which such minorities are concentrated .
10 The product certainly scores well in the initial ‘ small object of desire ’ stakes , but its overall success will largely depend on the quality of its handwriting recognition software .
11 These arrangements will largely depend on the strategy adopted for the development of information systems .
12 But the guidance is necessarily in fairly general terms , because how the rules apply in a particular case will always depend on the facts of the case .
13 Such ‘ alignment ’ as is achieved will always depend on the vagaries of Soviet-Third World political relations .
14 The expert 's liability in tort can never be more extensive than liability under any related contract , and whether the expert will be liable at all will always depend on the particular context and purpose of the particular statement .
15 Not all silvicultural practices are as extreme and the character of the ground flora will also depend on the land-use prior to afforestation .
16 Recharging ourselves will also depend on the balance and harmony in our lifestyle .
17 The effect of relative line lengths in the bridle will also depend on the actual length of the lines and the positions of the cross-spars .
18 The additional equipment you will need with you on your holiday shoots will also depend on the importance that you — and your companions — attach to video movie making in relation to the other holiday activities .
19 The exact implementation of different areas of the system will also depend on the particular application and will therefore need to be tailored .
20 Whilst the specified motion of a point can be obtained on the drawing board , the successful working of the mechanism train as a whole will also depend on the geometric shapes of individual linkages and surrounding components ; components can not be allowed to clash or be made to disassemble and re-assemble to pass through points of impossible geometry .
21 As the point at which the wave breaks depends on the size of the wave , the position at which the bar will form will also depend on the size of the waves .
22 The resulting crater and its ejecta will also depend on the direction of the impact , the nature of the planet 's surface , and the nature of any atmosphere .
23 Its position will also depend on the whereabouts of the bridge across the river , which is another unknown factor .
24 Much will also depend on the structure of organisations : the benefit from integrating the databases of separate departments may not be as great as the costs involved .
25 What happens next will also depend on the reaction of Poland 's neighbours , both to the east and the west .
26 The issuing of bonds and bills will also depend on the government 's monetary policy .
27 Just how well will probably depend on the temperature .
28 Each collection will offer different properties and in any sorting activity the criteria chosen will mainly depend on the children themselves , though other qualities might be mentioned by their teacher .
29 Whether they.will actually do so , or allow the change to occur in an uncontrolled manner , bringing about many or some of the adverse outcomes , will mainly depend on the competence of their policy makers .
30 Whether or not yours will require this will really depend on the size and number of fish you keep , and how good your general maintenance is
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