Example sentences of "will [verb] rise to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Responses to these questions will be varied , and each will give rise to a number of subsidiary questions .
2 At one extreme , it may mean that the world will not contain an example of any single human being doing that thing ; at the other end , it may merely mean that if a group of human beings adopt a norm requiring that behaviour , the norm will often be broken , its observance will give rise to a good deal of anxiety , those who comply without anxiety to the norm will be unusual in other respects , and so forth .
3 Instead they will prefer to remain liquid , and this will give rise to a speculative demand for money in preference to other forms of financial wealth .
4 All of the following activities will give rise to a need to communicate with media and therefore the need for a carefully selected list of those who will be interested .
5 Each of the duties referred to , once established , is capable of being enforced by injunction and the breach of it will give rise to a liability in damages .
6 The duty of the council has been established and is capable of being enforced by injunction and any breach of it will give rise to a liability in damages .
7 In other words a fire caused by negligence or due to a nuisance will give rise to a cause of action .
8 This will give rise to a particular social and political system ( synthesis ) which will , as the dominant structure , throw up its own antithesis , and so on .
9 Even here , the test of imminence discussed in Moss v. McLachlan suggest that there must be a clear and present danger that the conduct in which he is engaging will give rise to a breach of the peace , and it is demonstrable that the constable has no reasonable alternative course of action open to him other than to ask the speaker to desist , as by , for example , calling for assistance .
10 Subsequent layers of the same crystal will copy the same flaw , and if the crystal breaks in two it will give rise to a sub-population of altered crystals .
11 Nevertheless , whatever the grouping , one major distinction will remain and this will give rise to a fundamental conflict for the teacher .
12 The important molecular property connected with Raman spectra is therefore the polarizability , and a vibration will give rise to a Raman line if it leads to a change in the polarizability of the molecule .
13 a molecular vibration will give rise to a fundamental band in the IR spectrum if , and only if , the symmetry of the vibration is the same as that of one or more of the vectors x , y , and z [ see Fig. 5.15(a) ] .
14 a molecular vibration will give rise to a fundamental band in the Raman spectrum if , and only if , the symmetry of the vibration is the same as that of at least one component of the polarizability tensor , a , of the molecule [ see Fig. 5.15(b) ] .
15 For all of these types of capital allowance , where , on sale , the disposal proceeds exceed the cost of the asset less the allowances claimed , the disposal will give rise to a clawback of allowances equal to the smaller of the excess and the allowances claimed .
16 The Report does imply that the reconstruction process will give rise to a temporary increase in unemployment .
17 This will give rise to a resulting trust in favour of both in equity with the same result as in ( 1 ) .
18 If the husband elects that his " new " home is to be treated as his main residence , then the disposal to the wife of the former matrimonial home ( or his interest in it ) will give rise to a charge to capital gains tax ; this will be on the gain accruing in respect of the period from when the matrimonial home ceased to be his main residence until the date of the court order or date of agreement between the parties .
19 A transfer of other real property , such as the holiday home to the wife , will give rise to a capital gains liability if at the time of the transfer , as is more than likely , the parties are separated in such circumstances as are likely to prove permanent or are separated under a court order ( see p16 ) ( see , for example , Aspden v Hildesley [ 1982 ] 1 WLR 264 where a transfer of property which had never been the husband 's main residence was made to the wife six years after the parties separated ) .
20 There are two processes , one on either side that will develop into the lower jaw ; two further processes that will form the cheeks and upper jaw , and a central process that will give rise to the nose .
21 The divergence of tissue lineages preceding implantation segregates three precursor populations : one that will give rise to the trophoblast , another that generates extra-embryonic endoderm and a third , the epiblast ( embryonic ectoderm ) , from which is derived the entire fetus and the extra-embryonic mesoderm ( 1 ) .
22 It is for the housing authority to decide whether they have reason to believe the matters which will give rise to the duty to inquire or to the temporary housing duty .
23 It is for the housing authority , once the duty to inquire has arisen , to make the appropriate inquiries and to decide whether they are satisfied , or not satisfied as the case may be , of the matters which will give rise to the limited housing duty or the full housing duty .
24 8.2 To take Lease following disclaimer If at any time during the Term the Tenant ( being an individual ) shall become bankrupt or ( being a company ) shall enter into liquidation and the trustee in bankruptcy or liquidator shall disclaim this Lease the Guarantor shall if the Landlord shall by notice within [ 60 ] days after such disclaimer so require take from the Landlord a Lease of the Premises for the residue of the Contractual Term which would have remained had there been no disclaimer at the Rent then being paid under this Lease and subject to the same covenants and terms as in this Lease ( except that the Guarantor shall not be required to procure that any other person is made a party to the Lease as guarantor ) such new Lease to take effect from the date of such disclaimer and in such case the Guarantor shall pay the costs of such new Lease and execute and deliver to the Landlord a counterpart of it This provision is inserted to avoid the fact that a disclaimer of a lease by a trustee in bankruptcy or a liquidator will give rise to the release of the guarantor from the date of the disclaimer .
25 It is therefore likely that a combination of conditions will occur during the next 50 years which will give rise to an Arctic ozone hole unless both CO 2 and chlorine emissions are curbed .
26 Not all breaches of statutory duty will give rise to an action for damages by a person injured as a result .
27 At present some criminal legislation will give rise to an action on proof of special damage and some will not .
28 Attempting to read beyond the current end of file will give rise to an " End of file " error .
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