Example sentences of "would like [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They would like to see the Church re-discovering the proper ( equal-but-different ) role for women .
2 Two copies are available for teachers to read and pass on , please contact the Office is you would like to see the plan .
3 Like Mr Sneddon , we would like to see the Government look at the wider picture and to develop a coherent defence policy that addresses all the issues .
4 Vi was remembering that today was her birthday and there was the ten-shilling note in her money belt and wondering if she should ask them if they would like to see the film in Craigiebur .
5 It is interesting that half the carers said they would like to see the dementia sufferer in residential care .
6 We would like to see the scheme handbook promote the need to conserve hedgerows , using attractive language and design , as well as conveying technical information about the scheme .
7 I would like to see the scheme be taken on , and done properly .
8 ‘ If no financial support is forthcoming , we would like to see the scheme re-submitted for the following year . ’
9 ‘ We would like to see the council address the issue seriously because it is affecting quite a lot of pensioners . ’
10 I would like to see the likes of West Belfast broken down .
11 Quate would like to see the SAM used to watch polymer chains in rubber as they stretch and bounce back .
12 The only grass that 's well cut is where people cut it themselves outside their own house but , in particular , erm , th I would like to see the supervision of the contract and that we do n't cough up the money unless the job 's done properly because I think we 're paying for a job that 's not being either done at all , or when it is being done it 's not being done well .
13 Miss Lloyd tells me she would like to see the tradition revived .
14 Now we in the Harrogate Civic Society would like to see the rest of the district allocation reduced at least to fifty hectares which has something to do with the forecast requirement on the grounds of past take-up , and I believe it is nearer the original figure for the rest of the district floated by the county in the initial consultations before amendment was made to the allocation between Greater York and the rest of the district .
15 CIMA would like to see the audit requirement scrapped for all companies which fall within the statutory definition of a small company .
16 Most would like to see the auditor 's period away from the audit in question extended from the proposed two years ( which , as Touche Ross says , ‘ could lead to this guidance being perceived as a cosmetic exercise' ) , but can not agree over how long .
17 ‘ 1 would like to see the union structure changed totally , ’ he says uncompromisingly .
18 To some commentators this appears to leave too much scope for giving continued weight to parental wishes , and they would like to see the sections worded ‘ first and paramount consideration ’ .
19 These freedoms are clearly of importance in the face of the public power of the state , but they give small comfort to those who would like to see the position of individuals strengthened in relation to the exercise of private power in the economy .
20 Having seen United Biscuits ‘ gain a toehold in Brazil ’ , he would like to see the company expand into China .
21 These gave ‘ very little message to the reader ’ , said Mr Godwin ; he would like to see the £1m or so he estimated was spent on catalogues being put into a generic campaign for books .
22 Boy thought he would like to see the city under heavy snow ; then it would look like a real map , all in black and white , the river a thick black ribbon , or , if frozen as he knew it had once been , a clean white ribbon , the only space in the city without streets , names , lights or indeed owners .
23 I would like to see the earth grow and everything in the earth grow until it touched the skids of heaven , and no one could be dead .
24 I personally would like to see the parishes of the towns doing it themselves , I do n't suppose that is possible now , but at least let's have somebody reliable and supervised .
25 And they said erm if you would like to see the designs write and ask for a sample so we wrote and I have n't actually received any samples yet .
26 ‘ I would like to see the gun . ’
27 I sometimes think that some of my hon. Friends who would like to see the tax in some way equalised between one place and another are hankering after a tax which this tax is not .
28 Current Labour Party policy would like to see the establishment of a Quality Commission which would incorporate some of the present duties of the Audit Commission in England and Wales and the Accounts Commission in Scotland .
29 I ca n't do much about graffiti but I would like to see the perpetrators clobbered .
30 We would like to see the matter resolved , but the onus has to be on the owner . ’
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