Example sentences of "would go [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm if I understand it correctly from from Mr Potter 's er table nine , the implication would be that the the Greater York figure would go up to a hundred and sixty one hectares based on thirty four to the acr hectare , that is correct ?
2 The same with the signalmen , I would go up to the signalman and tell him , Well on the other shift you know , they would have left that train away first , before they left that other one in you see .
3 When everyone was in bed he would go round to every window , double-check if it was locked and then , before he came upstairs , place a few key obstacles in the path of any potential intruder .
4 Lennox , despite his anti-English position , would find it intolerable to be a member of the Beaton faction ; within a few weeks , he would go over to the pro-English party , his hopes of his marriage to Margaret , daughter of Angus and Margaret Tudor , and of English recognition of him as heir-presumptive , should Arran break with England , weighing more with him than the desire for liberty and honour expressed in the July bond .
5 Sometimes when the afternoon tide of heat reached its high mark , we would go over to the hotel .
6 Democratic Russia itself , at a press conference on Sept. 10 , warned that it would go over to the opposition if economic reform programmes were watered down and the former nomenklatura were once more put in command .
7 It was at moments like this that John Coffin realized that the Inspector would go right to the top .
8 Additional seats would go proportionately to the parties on the basis of the proportion of votes received in the region .
9 maths information we had a , a child would go straight to the maths
10 She would go straight to the Dragon Cloud .
11 I 'd , I would go through to the pool man and say right , I want so many men for the Rotterdam , I want six men for purpose .
12 Few of Camille 's schoolmates , even had they been able to read and write , would go on to a career in the sciences , since the chemistry lab had been the first to succumb , years back , when the rules had just been relaxed and attitudes to education liberalized .
13 In the street outside the hotel , a crowd cheered and cheered ; periodically someone would go on to the balcony and throw roses down to the assembled admirers .
14 Mother used to come too , although she was chapel , and then we would go on to the Methodist service in the evening .
15 Of these 95 had been declared admissible and , if no negotiated settlement could be reached by the Commission , would go on to the European Court of Human Rights , which had issued 25 judgments in 1989 .
16 The report would go directly to the desk of the Colonel .
17 Whenever he thought about this in later years , his memory would go back to the Cuddesdon time and the shock of seeing a House of Commons pretending that it knew how people ought to say their prayers .
18 But then it would go back to the usual music , the old pictures would go up again and it would be back to the black paintwork .
19 She would go back to the lodgings , lie down on the lumpy bed and rest , and try again tomorrow .
20 Even so , I would go back to the exciting clamour of Cairo tomorrow .
21 There was the man who had been with him and taken the briefcase from the hotel room and who in the morning would go back to the Golani Brigade stationed on the Lebanese border and who would be chided by his fellow officers for having taken leave while the military workload was intense .
22 Andrew would go back to the bright lights of the capital and she , Benedicta , would ensure that Topaz was kept too busy to think about things which could break her heart .
23 Soon Diana and Mary would leave Moor House to return to the wealthy families in the south , where they were both governesses , and St John would go back to the vicar 's house in Morton , with Hannah , his housekeeper .
24 But she never dared ask him , for fear he would tell her ) — the grocer treated her to infrequent smiles and would give occasional chocolates to Victoria , who would go back to the toyshop with a heavy brown moustache and sideburns .
25 Clare , erm would go back to the office , you you or Phyllis or Joyce I mean preferably Phyllis would sit down with her and say , Right , Clare , what have you learned ?
26 She would go back to the shrine .
27 He would drag that bloody friar from his stars and they would go back to the Springall mansion and this time demand answers to their questions .
28 The Town Clerk 's just pointed out that their tape recorder 's run out and wondered if you would go back to the start and work through all that again .
29 And I was afraid that whatever I say would go back to the and if they hear this they will punish me .
30 It was only when I felt safe with you , and after we had spent some hours working on our poems , that we would go down to the restaurant for late dinner , which always ended with either banana or ‘ flan ’ .
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