Example sentences of "if [pers pn] live [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And if I live in a factory town , I must speak factory language when I want it .
2 If Ah lived in a clapped-out city like this with inflation at two hundred per cent , or whatever it is , Ah 'd dae just about anythin' fur payment in solid US dollars . ’
3 If she lived in a mill town , the choice was more or less made for her .
4 if you living on a low income , you may also be ale to get help with the cost — see pages 8-9 for details .
5 You know the kind that if you lived in a house which had got an uneven floor when you opened the door the wardrobe falls over towards you .
6 If you live with a ‘ grown-up ’ child or children , you have a right to claim for yourself ; but if you are not a separate householder , your benefit will be at a lower rate .
7 Pattie is living proof that if you live with a man , you discover a lot you did n't know when you were just dating him .
8 It does n't matter if you live as a Christian for a hundred years , if you live the most sacrificial life , if you live a life of prayer and fasting , if you lead thousands of people to the Lord , if you are the epitome of Christian piety , you still do n't deserve anything !
9 If you live in a bungalow or in a mobile home , you should fix an alarm in a corridor between the living and sleeping areas .
10 If you live in a conventional two-storey house , the best place for a single alarm is above the bottom of the staircase .
11 One smoke alarm may be enough if you live in a mobile home or a small bungalow .
12 If you live in a house , one alarm fitted above the bottom of the staircase will give you some protection , but you can be better protected by fixing another alarm on the upstairs landing .
13 This can give you the earliest possible warning , especially important if you live in a big house .
14 Nothing you do goes unnoticed , especially if you live in a big house , as Jane discovered to her cost .
15 That 's all very well if you 've got a forest to keep it going like she has , I thought , but what if you live in a towerblock ?
16 If you live in a flat , ( unless you are on the ground floor or have a fire escape running past your window ) the most vulnerable part of your home is probably the front door .
17 Whenever possible ( especially if you live in a large town or city ) , visit the seaside and breathe in the bracing sea air .
18 If you live in a noisy area , it may also be helpful to play a tape of gentle music .
19 If you live in a village with only a few shops , you may need to include several streets on your plan . )
20 However , if you live in a Common Market country or in one of the other countries with special arrangements , increases can be paid .
21 If you live in a flat , and this is impossible , throw away all those that you do not really need , and store the remainder in large biscuit tins or other airtight containers .
22 If you live in a listed building ( one that is protected by the local authority from demolition or structural alteration because of its historical interest ) you may be able to arrange grants to help you do repairs to the essential fabric of the building .
23 Have the bed moved downstairs if you live in a house and , if you do not have a downstairs toilet , contact the Red Cross and arrange for the loan of a commode .
24 Keep it in the kitchen ( the most likely scene of accidents ) and , if you live in a two-storey or more dwelling , keep one on each floor as well .
25 If you live in a town , start by thinking of the names of different districts .
26 If the kitchen is nearly or directly below your bedroom , or if you live in a flat , you 'd be well advised to look for a quiet machine .
27 All well worth thinking about if you live in a flat above ground level .
28 If you live in a hard-water area , use a descaler in the machine at least once a month .
29 There 's no reason why you should n't use individual heating appliances if it suits you better , especially if you live in a flat , or if there is no one at home in the day .
30 If you live in a medium-risk area you stand a one in 35 chance of being burgled in any year .
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