Example sentences of "if [pers pn] be waiting [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lilac gloves , half-boots made of kid — she looked , as she sat rather apprehensively in the country inn parlour , as if she were waiting for Mr Gainsborough .
2 She looked as if she was waiting for me so before she could say anything I spoke .
3 If she was waiting for him to say that she did n't need to diet she had a long wait .
4 If you are waiting for post-feminists to hasten to your rescue , girding their loins and hairy-leggedly taking on the Viz comics and Dennis Potters of this world on your behalf , I would suggest that you do n't hold your breath .
5 If you are waiting for God to suddenly send some new blessings , you 'll wait for eternity !
6 So even if you 're waiting for a sloth to move , you 'll never get tired .
7 No one here likes you , the way you sit off by yourself at meals half the time as if you 're waiting for someone who 's good enough for you .
8 It would be an enormous relief — and if you 're waiting for me to struggle , demand you release me , you can wait till hell freezes over , Feargal McMahon , because I would n't give you the satisfaction ! ’
9 ‘ Oh techniques of surveillance , when you 're sitting alone in a car you move into the passenger seat , make it look as if you 're waiting for the driver to come back … the trouble is , I never got a posting where I had to use it . ’
10 They 're the times when when actually look at which ones we 'd use remember the strengths in these some of the biggest yes you can go into greater detail you can see the reaction face to face you 'll get feedback straight away verbal as well as non-verbal er you know immediately what the answer is if there 's if you 're waiting for some sort of reply to it , you 'll have more effect because it 's face to face erm , cheap on material but it 's expensive on time you do n't have a formal written record and it can be very time consuming .
11 And I mean think of say rolling back in traffic if you 're waiting on a hill .
12 If you 're stuck overseas for the night , or if you 're waiting in UK overnight and an early departure has been ruled out , we provide whatever accommodation we can , and take you to it .
13 You can imagine , they 're all waiting there , anything t to distract you if you 're waiting in a queue , and there was this man , throwing himself off ladders , chucking wardrobes everywhere and we got Very good .
14 When at 10.45am we had resigned ourselves to a day of swimming and sunbathing a farmer pulled up and asked , in German , if we were waiting for him .
15 If they are waiting for reinforcements , ’ remarked Osbern of Eu , ‘ they will be in no hurry to fight in any case .
16 It looked as if they were waiting for somebody , could it be me ?
17 A waiter came up and after one close look at them asked if they were waiting for Count Felipe de Santis .
18 The furniture stands around listlessly , as if it is waiting to be sold .
19 I wondered if he was waiting to be alone with her .
20 An uncomfortable pause while he sat forward on the sofa holding his coffee cup in both hands and gazing into it as if he was waiting for some kind of chemical reaction .
21 She kept waiting for him to do something , but he hesitated , as if he were waiting for her .
22 As she had come round the corner of the house from putting her bicycle in the old stable block , Inspector Blakelock had been standing at the front door almost as if he were waiting for her .
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