Example sentences of "if [pron] take the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For instance if I take the sentence ‘ I woke up late this morning ’ the items present in the sequence are obviously different from one another ; but according to Saussurean theory we make sense of this sentence by implicitly relating it to items which are absent from the sequence but equivalent to those in it , for instance ‘ You went down early that afternoon ’ .
2 If I take the rest away and try and Who normally sticks one in the library , or
3 And if I take the book away , and so the pen is trying to push the book over .
4 ‘ But if I take the job , ’ she blurted , goaded by the idea that he found her lack of sophistication amusing , ‘ it wo n't be because I like the house .
5 I shall only be able to convince another person that such-and-such is the case if I take the trouble to present evidence which is available to both my challenger and myself .
6 If I take the time necessary for pupils to really understand a topic , then I will certainly have trouble exposing them to everything that is expected .
7 ‘ Sharon , sweetheart , I hope you wo n't mind terribly if I take the passenger seat ? ’
8 If you take the south west peninsula coast path near Penzance you 'll see the famous landmark of St Michael 's Mount .
9 If you take the chance , make the act of faith , the moments come .
10 erm On the other hand , if you take the variety , you in fact leave it very mixed still , because you take your relatively small quantity out each time you go round , and you 're taking a relatively small number of species , so that if you are logging in a tropical forest at the sort of intensity most logging takes place , you 're only creating gaps where you take out the valuable species and leave the less valuable species .
11 Rest it on your conscience if you take the airport bus and charge the taxi .
12 Dr Joseph Torg , professor of orthopaedic surgery at the University of Pennsylvania , adds : ‘ If you take the head out of the game , that removes the cervical spine from the game .
13 Well looking at it carefully , as I have done , it 's surprising that if you take the whole of the last forty years and look across the world there are really only about eight major what you can call disasters — I call the calamities , because they are not really disasters — that have occurred with medicines .
14 Whichever you know if you take the cost some cost twelve hundred pound for a full page others cost three hundred and fifty and some cost even two hundred and fifty pound for a small strip on the golf cards .
15 No , if it 's something like that , if you take the irritation away then it
16 But if you take the case of Damien Hirst , Jay Jopling is there to feed the momentum which Damien established on his own .
17 If you take the word form out and just leave it as order , then it does n't matter in what form it comes from the
18 Pusey if you take the road that goes to Pusey you
19 yes , answer your point Mr it does , er , er this particular point , if you take the directive as I understand
20 If you take the bus to the Foot of the Walk you will be able to spend a day full of interest and surprises , including some excellent places to eat .
21 why you know what I do n't know what 's changed in the meantime or whether we 're paying different rates or whatever , but if you take the material that we were getting in two three years ago when first time I was involved , it 's just absolutely nothing like .
22 However , it is one that , if you take the trouble to learn properly , will stand you in good stead .
23 Sadly , it 's sold out but never take anything like that for gospel , for in my experience , there are always a few seats to be had if you take the trouble to hunt for 'em .
24 The view is more stunning yet if you take the trouble to climb up a little from the road , on to the grassy hill behind , so that you can see over the top of the slightly obtrusive forested spur to the south-west ; or if you follow the path through the woods to the south of the road for about half an hour you come out on a crest which dominates the country in the direction of the watershed .
25 ‘ Even if you take the example of the Western , and key Western icons like Clint Eastwood , ’ Wood says , ‘ you can see the films responding to social attitudes in the movement from the early spaghetti westerns to last year 's Unforgiven , where you still have the recognisable Clint Eastwood character , but he 's much more complex , more uncertain about things — about killing , about his motives , the whole notion of what constitutes a hero . ’
26 If you take the time and trouble to make your own , you will discover a truly delicious gâteau .
27 But I do have to say that if you take the time off in the middle of term , I 'm afraid I wo n't be able to guarantee your post when you return to us . ’
28 Hop across from Poole and spend the day exploring St Helier , or further afield , if you take the car for £25 return .
29 As I was saying earlier on , it is a contract a legally binding contract , which does lay down the actual contractual position , but as in every business we do n't stick rigidly to the lettering of the policy , so erm in practice I think if you take the policy purely as it is erm it probably gives not as good effect of the policy as it actually is .
30 Now if you take the table one and bearing in mind it it it 's reflects reasonably well that that the factors or the criteria which we discussed on Friday morning .
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