Example sentences of "has led [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The elevation of environmental concerns in the social consciousness has raised the profile of environmental protection and has led to international agreements specifically concerned with the environment , such as the Montreal protocol on the ozone layer .
2 Its use has led to real benefits for the group
3 Meanwhile the popularity of Yardie amongst jail birds has led to certain elements deciding that the book comes a little too close to the truth for their liking , and Victor Headley has disappeared into hiding to work on Yardie 2 , leaving Adebayo and Pope to speak on his behalf .
4 More competition on the roads and in the air has led to better services and more choice .
5 In the private sector a large number of estate agents , landlords , accommodation agencies and building societies have been found to operate discriminatory registers , refusing to let or sell or lend to black individuals and families , while direct and indirect discrimination in many local authority housing departments has led to black tenants being allocated inferior council housing ( Gordon and Newnham , 1986 ) .
6 In some cases it has led to violent confrontations requiring police intervention .
7 A century of saving seed from the best plants has led to continuous improvements .
8 Much of this work on animals was done in Oxford and has led to radical improvements in the transplantation of kidney , liver , bone-marrow and hearts in human patients who would otherwise have died .
9 PANAMA is the latest in a series of rogue regimes , the menacing state of whose internal affairs has led to armed intervention by other countries — and to an unresolved international tangle about the legality of such action .
10 This in turn has led to increasing Government interference in matters relating to both the organisation and professional functions of medical groups .
11 Population pressure on land has led to increasing competition of less sensitive rotations which maximise the production of food crops with beneficial rotations which include nitrogen-fixing crops and forage crops .
12 The economic boom in the south east has led to increasing demands for new types of industrial site , and the growth in high tech and service industries has placed a premium on high quality sites in pleasant surroundings and with good communications .
13 This more frequent application , especially of a compound like malathion which has an unpleasant odour , has led to increasing refusals from householders and a consequent reduction in insecticide coverage .
14 The success of this fairly new treatment has led to increasing numbers of terminally ill patients being referred for consideration of transplantation , many of these being referred as a final option , when intensive support in hospital is required and when secondary end organ damage has often developed .
15 As a result , market intelligence is limited , and has led to contradictory stances being adopted by different companies .
16 Quantal analysis of excitatory synapses in the hippocampus has proved difficult and has led to contradictory conclusions when applied to long-term potentiation .
17 The debate is important and has led to keen observations being made on both sides of the House .
18 And this type of stereotypical link has led to various experiments .
19 While in many ways the UK system is a homogeneous one , with centralized application procedures , common though varying admissions requirements , and a national system of student support through grants and now loans , its often decentralized and pragmatic mode of development has led to great variation in detail .
20 Its development has led to great advances in the miniaturisation of electronic components .
21 This discovery has led to much speculation about how birds use this phenomenal ability .
22 I wish to say on behalf of highway engineers , both in the counties and the boroughs of the metropolitan districts , that their contribution through their professional associations — the Institution of Civil Engineers , the Institution of Highways and Transportation — and in co-operation with the experts in the Transport and Road Research Laboratory and the Department of Transport has led to much enthusiasm among many of those responsible .
23 Bus deregulation in other parts of the country has led to much innovation in the bus industry and to a 19 per cent .
24 Turning to the company cases , the dictum in Reg. v. Morris [ 1984 ] A.C. 320 has led to much confusion and complication where those in de facto control of the company have been charged with theft from it .
25 The inference of user information needs from user information-seeking behaviour has led to much confusion .
26 Recent focus upon the cost of this treatment ( £2,500 per patient per year ; ) has led to much debate concerning the appropriate use of limited resources for such experimental therapies .
27 This has led to embarrassing moments among his pure-white mobile guard force .
28 So I set about a solution which has led to healthy plants which remain where I want them — despite being planted in very high flow undergravel filters .
29 Now although evolutionary research can lead and indeed has led to major breakthroughs , it is so unlikely that it would not be sensible to concentrate on this type of research , for which in any case there are many potential sources of funds .
30 The rush of visitors to the area since the popular romanticism of the " Lakeland poets " has led to major changes in the micro-organisms and the deposition of their remains , due largely to the effects of human effluent .
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