Example sentences of "their [noun] for the sake " in BNC.

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1 For example , under the Land Compensation Act 1973 property owners are entitled to compensation for depreciation in the value of their land caused by such things as noise , vibration , smells , and fumes , resulting from public works , The underlying reasoning is that since the public is presumed to benefit greatly from the building of a motorway ( for example ) , private citizens who suffer as a result of its construction should not have to bear their loss for the sake of that wider public interest .
2 As a sort of consolation for the others , it was agreed that a second force of cavalry , somewhat larger , perhaps two thousand , should come along behind , as support , but to keep their distance for the sake of secrecy and only move if called for .
3 Gangs may fight their rivals for the sake of supremacy and pride , but they only attack innocent strangers for fun .
4 It seemed that the local inhabitants had betrayed their past for the sake of the fictitious glamour which the new name was imagined to convey .
5 The Smithsonian in Washington will omit locations on their database for the sake of conservation and security .
6 On Saturday night , they had worked hard on their holiday for the sake of the Prince of Wales , and this was all the thanks they got .
7 Do you think some female musicians sacrifice their femininity for the sake of being in a rock group ?
8 Next , Peter Jenkins , the respected political commentator of The Sunday Times , writing on the possible impact of such men as Kenneth Baker and Kenneth Clarke brought into the Cabinet in the September 1985 reshuffle ( in alliance with existing Cabinet members such as Douglas Hurd and Norman Fowler ) : ‘ It is not easy to reassert Cabinet government in the face of determined prime ministerial power but the new Cabinet contains a group of capable and ambitious men of political middle age who are not eager to sacrifice the best years of their careers for the sake of someone else 's ‘ conviction politics ’ . ’
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