Example sentences of "has a special [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The company is also introducing the Pro-Mat , a synthetic tee area made from a tough turf fabric that has a special backing for durability .
2 What Willis emphasises is that the culture of the shop floor is bounded and has a special sense of completeness about it .
3 Patterning facilities are versatile — the KH864 has a special feature for automatically knitting single motifs or blocks of pattern by using motif cams .
4 This revolution has a special relevance to the current British debate on the health of the nation .
5 Among the many groups of people who have benefited from the technique , musicians in particular have found it helpful — and it has a special relevance in pregnancy and childbirth .
6 ( This tale has a special popularity in the UK , where the vehicle in question is always a Mini , though versions have cropped up in Australia and the USA . )
7 The dog has a special relationship with man and is described as his best friend .
8 Indeed the psychiatrist who first popularised the notion that hypnosis has a special relationship with truth , no less a figure than Sigmund Freud , later issued a retraction .
9 Furthermore , any interest group able to threaten in this way probably has a special relationship with a major political party , and is acknowledged as important in that sense .
10 The hydro-electric system has a special problem in the summer .
11 The weaving arm has a special feed for the weaving yarn .
12 That Committee is at a remove from the day to day problems that harass the project members , and has a special responsibility for drawing attention to underlying problems and longer term implications .
13 Within the Department of Printed Books , the British Antiquarian Division has a special responsibility for the Library 's collection of older books .
14 So , every instructor has a special responsibility towards such people .
15 As Britain has a special responsibility towards her and her country , can the Minister tell the House what action our ambassador is taking to get access to her and to secure her release ?
16 The interpreter neither has a special location for undertaking analysis , nor a special method but the reflexive attention to the relation between communicative action and its content .
17 The five-speed has a special chamber in the rear casing accessed by a valve which opens when the oil temperature reaches 90deg C. Up to 550cc of oil is bled off into the chamber , which means the increase in depth in the main casing is reduced to 15 to 20mm .
18 And the college has a special unit for people who want basic education anyone who is not numerate or wants help with reading or writing in a one-to-one lesson .
19 He has a special machine for this .
20 The site has a special significance for Icelanders , whose independence has been compromised on several occasions over the years .
21 ( The field of Waterloo has a special significance for the regiment ) .
22 Prolonged staring with wide-open eyes has a special significance for the cat .
23 While this complex of overcrowding and decay colours the lives of all who live in St Ann 's , it has a special significance for those who are in poverty as well .
24 The trout stream , in particular , has a special significance for field staff and is a source of professional pride .
25 The relationship that the building surveyor is able to develop directly with the client is unusual in its closeness , and has a special significance in that it enables him to be identified as the expert in the area of work under inquiry .
26 ( 5 ) The definition of acting in concert has a special significance in relation to mandatory offers .
27 The Waterbase brush has a special mix of synthetic filaments designed for optimum paint pick-up .
28 Harmony has a special fascination for many of us , but once again I would warn students against thinking of harmonies before they have conceived the melody .
29 Chicago has a special liking for the artist .
30 As the philosopher Gillian Rose has pointed out , " recognising our transformative or productive activity has a special claim as a mode of acknowledging actuality which transcends the dichotomies between theoretical and practical reason … transformative activity acknowledges actuality in the act and does not oppose act to non-act " .
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